
Well-Known Member
Yeah I watered with it yesterday. Couldn't find any gypsum yet so they only got the epsom salt so far. I got some calcium magnesium liquid tabs for people. You think I can squirt one or 2 of those into a gallon of water??


Well-Known Member
Yeah I watered with it yesterday. Couldn't find any gypsum yet so they only got the epsom salt so far. I got some calcium magnesium liquid tabs for people. You think I can squirt one or 2 of those into a gallon of water??
Cross between an elephant and rhino. For real this time


Well-Known Member
yeah that's not an orthodox method of getting cal and mag into your plants im sure. I wish I had a seedling or something going I could test it out on. Maybe I'll just dump some into my by brothers GF's house plants and see what happens. lol
Any other ideas where I might be able to get calcium from??
I read dry milk in the soil, soil conditioners etc. I'm not putting milk in my plants cause that seems like it could rot and smell, I can't find the soil conditioners at home depot or lowes... I'm kinda stuck.
Another home remedy like the epsom salt would be awesome but I havent come up with anything.


Well-Known Member
That would be cool. I don't wanna say too much now but when my friggin loot starts coming back in I got an idea for a cross that'll blow any we've thought of out of the water. I don't wanna drop that bomb though until I at least have ordered the seeds. Don't want anyone stealing my idea. ;-)


Well-Known Member
are you ordering soon?? if you are don't forget to use my link. I already have 23 bucks from commissions from other people using it. I may need to buy more PE seeds if this one doesn't pull through.


Well-Known Member
My destiny is in the hands of others at the moment. So unfortunately this one must be kept a secret for a bit longer. Believe me it's killing me but once I order them it'll be worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how I was thinking about crossing Jack Herer with G13 and just the other day I was reading someone's grow journal and they are growing XJ-13, which is JH x GH13, lol