
Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So my friggin router went and of course it's when there's no money to spend. So all I can do generally is watch the threads on my phone. Fucking sucks I feel like I'm missing out. :-( I've been so aggrivated dealing with this I didn't even take the 3 day video. That and the fact that there's nothing going on still. Hopefully today when I get over there they will have done something. It's been a really shitty depressing time for me. Hopefully things will pick back up for me soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So my friggin router went and of course it's when there's no money to spend. So all I can do generally is watch the threads on my phone. Fucking sucks I feel like I'm missing out. :-( I've been so aggrivated dealing with this I didn't even take the 3 day video. That and the fact that there's nothing going on still. Hopefully today when I get over there they will have done something. It's been a really shitty depressing time for me. Hopefully things will pick back up for me soon.
Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata, ain't no passin craze!

Buck up there little camper, it'll stop raining in the morning!


Well-Known Member
Chin up man, like I said before if you need help with your router or connection let me know I can walk you through setting it up as new or fixing it. PM me if you need help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man but I had it rigged in the first place and the shit is fried now. I had the wrong type of powercord apparently. Luckily as I just found out me girls iPhone let's me type on here. it's a slow trying process bit it'll do til I get hooked back up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks grizz. I'm sure I'll be alright just absent more often is all. I'll definitely be sure to keep u guys informed though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. So do I. This is the 3rd post I've made with the iPhone and I'm tired of it already. I'm gonna head out bro. Hopefully be able to be back tomorrow. Peace.


Well-Known Member
It's been so fucking hot for the last 2 days when I got to my ladies today their soil was bone dry and they were weeping. I gave 'em a nice dose of water but there's nothing I can do about the heat right now. Hope they bounce back...


Well-Known Member
It's scorching here too, has been all week. I couldn't imagine growing outdoors here. It would be ludacris!

Silent Running

Active Member
It is miserable here as well. I went to the lake today to cool off and the water was almost as hot as the air temp. Hope you get your net fixed up soon.


They look really good i think bro im the same way first timer and on a low budget but i must say my plants dont look nothing like yours good shit man


Well-Known Member
It's been so fucking hot for the last 2 days when I got to my ladies today their soil was bone dry and they were weeping. I gave 'em a nice dose of water but there's nothing I can do about the heat right now. Hope they bounce back...
It's scorching here too, has been all week. I couldn't imagine growing outdoors here. It would be ludacris!
It is miserable here as well. I went to the lake today to cool off and the water was almost as hot as the air temp. Hope you get your net fixed up soon.
Hotter than Hades here too, I think maybe thats what killed my little skunk baby :(
hot as shit on the beach to... Water sells great though! lol
Well at least I know it's not just happening to me, lol! Anyone elses babies looking weepy too or do you guys think it could just be because they dried up?


Well-Known Member
The news over here on the West coast is saying the East is getting beat up by heat, and here in SD, we're freezing! wtf???? Shitty 4th of July weekend here, almost no sun all weekend