My very first grow room


Active Member
Hi Lilstoneddude, yes my first indoor grow though I did have an outdoor grow last summer with 2 plants. I'm using DNF ( Dutch Nutrient Formula ) for hydroponics.The grow medium is Pro-Mix. I'm using one 600watt HPS light with a carbon filter and 6inch exhaust fan. Right now, I have two rotating fans going to keep humidity down and prevent the chance of mold. On day 29 of flowering with and 35 more days to go before harvest. :)


Active Member
Today is day 31, about at the halfway mark in flowering, and judging by what is already there, this should be a wonderful crop, I can't even imagine how the buds will look like near the end, woohoooo.

One thing does concern me though, one of my plants isn't of the same strain as the others, it's a bag seed plant that presents as more Sativa looking, I will probably have to wait longer for it to be ready to harvest. I will take a pic of the leaves from this plant later today in comparison to my Headbands to demonstrate what I mean.


Active Member
I took a leaf from my Headband and one from the bag seed plant to show the difference. The bag seed plant leaf looks a lot like it's Sativa dominant, what are your opinions ?

bag seed leaf.jpg The Bag Seed leaf Headband leaf.jpg The Headband leaf


Well-Known Member
Sweet Grow Little Lady :weed:

I like the broader leaflets on the indica dominant plants, but in actuality, I like them all :leaf:

Thanx for the share.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
leaf shape is irrelevant with these highly hybridized plants. headband has a sativa high...

also, that little girl is getting quite a bit less light than the taller ones. Raise her up on some blocks so that the tops are level.

looking good ;) 5 weeks to go...


Active Member
Hi Crysmatic, yes, I raised that shorter Headband plant closer to the height of the others, had been thinking of doing it and kept putting it off ( procrastinating ) and true about leaf shape in hydridized plants though I have zero idea as to the strain of that one plant that was grown from bag seed, it simply has the very thin fingers generally associated with Sativa dominant strains and it also is a little stretchier with less buds. The 818 Headbands I have are 60-65 day flowerers so if I count this right, only 30 more days ( 4 weeks +- ).

In any event, here are two pics taken yesterday ( day 34 of flowering ). :)



Well-Known Member
nice trichome development. fap, fap, fap, fap, fap ;)

have you stuck your nose right in there and smelled them? how does the house smell?


Active Member
You know I did and the bouquet is to die for, actually smells a little like petrol or something like that. The odor isn,t bad in the house, I've got this cardboard grow space I built inside a bedroom with a carbon filter, fans and exhaust so everything is very tolerable, like no one would smell it as they came into the house. The only time the smell is stronger is before lights come on as the smell has had time to collect during the night when all is off. But even then, it mostly stays near that upper room.


Active Member
Well, we have found our dream house and will be making an offer on it this week, this also means that we are immediately putting up this house on the market. We will have tons of work to do with packing and stuff ( we are moving from one Canadian province to another - long distance ). It's a wonderful development for me as an artist but also I will have an even better capacity to grow.

The big down side to it all is that today, at only day 43 of flowering, I must harvest the plants because we need to open up the house for the realtor and visitors.

I will probably be a couple of months with no grow but will eventually be back, doing my thing. Happy growing to you all, it's been a pleasure and I have learned so much from you.


Active Member
Yep, life must go on.. to bad you could not use it as a selling point LOL... ".. and in this room, you can grow some pretty dank buds!!!" Sorry to hear about the early chop though.. pending on how many cloudy trichs you have will possibly determine the potency I am sure. If it were me, I would be chopping all the way to the last second! Good luck on selling your house and can't wait to see what ideas for a set up you will have in the new place! cheers