My Very First Grow


Update. Tons of rain, hot when not raining, PLants are getting a sticky feeling, my main plant is 4ft tall with 4 large tops and popcorn everywhere, First clone is stunted and still flowering, other 2 clones a wirery and ate up from hoppers I asuume. Pictures will be coming soon!

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Looking good and sticky man. Did you amend soil? If not, next year I would mix in some happy frog and some perlite.



I did not amend my soil. First grow and wanted to just play n see what its all about, I have really enjoyed growing and will be started again asap. All my seed was from Bag. Local Stuff. Nothin good. The smell smells way better. Probably cuz i took care of them. These plants are so strong. Next year I will be buying pre-made soil and fertilizers. I used ole miracle grow & strait up made my own soil from various pits I have round the house. Really gonna do it next year, Im coffidant in myself now, Rollitup is a great site to find info from real people.


Well-Known Member
Looks delicious! Hopefully they fatten up some more. Looks like you're garden is pretty shaded, maybe try a more open area next year.


It is very shady, I will be doing my next grow in a more open area, already picking out my spot, Trying to get some forest mulch going so by time next year it might be ready.


MY crop cam out great, Smoked every OZ! Loved it, Kinda tasted GREEN but the high was good, I cant waiut to start this years! New location with plent of sun.


This year will be better, My last spot was right by a Military base with helicopters flying over everyday, thats why it was so shady, But now I have anew spot that is wide open, Cant wait for Grow #2

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
This year will be better, My last spot was right by a Military base with helicopters flying over everyday, thats why it was so shady, But now I have anew spot that is wide open, Cant wait for Grow #2
Get out there and dig some beefy holes. I would toss away any big rocks. Give your roots some room and amend the soil. Good luck, and congrats on a harvest last season.