My Very Own CFL Grow!!


Active Member
OK kronnix.. I want to follow you but I'm confused/stoned. What do you plan on doing to which plant? I know how easy it is to bend them to your will so I do want to bear witness. I like your willingness to screw with them but I'm downright impressed at how quickly our plants respond to anything you we do to them. Even something as simple as watering a dry plant. I believe I can actually watch the leaves become turgid again. It saddens me when I see the pics of many forum members plants which would have been very grateful to have been pinched. Lanky and out of control with so much internodal space where sumpin should be. I have pinched and listed but I have not "intentionally" fimmed. (does that make sense?). The plant you speak of did it have a woody stem where you pinched it or was it still pretty pliable.
Ha Ha I just looked at your first post for this thread budski and it looks like things have progressed a little bit since 1/5/12. :leaf:

PS... It's not the dark green plant in the red pot in your family pic is it ???
Indeed it is the one you speak of. The area where I pinch was not as pliable as I was used to working with
I bent as I normaly would and it wasnt to my liking.I couldnt really bend it any more then It was with the pinch, so i left it over night and checked the next day.
I reread about pinching and figured it was a viable option with this plant, so the next day I Took the string off and pinched it in down further. 2 days later it looks ok at the bend
and it really hasnt stopped growing. I think its telling me go ahead and break my back because you just gave me 10 more lights lolZ.. oh I also put it in a 4 gallon pot. 70/30 promix/perlite.
with 2TBS/gal dolomite lime. View attachment NewGreatWhiteShark.jpg
cant get this pic up to save my life lol..


Active Member
lol...Chief sure does like them tops :o I like pic#4 the best, look at the ones in the middle hiding down there screaming "us too....we are pretty too"! So psyched to see how this smoke is :) So when you say flush, what are your plans for that baby exactly? I need details Kronnix....I might be harvesting my Nitro baby at the same time!
Well the lemon skunk looks the ripest so I will use it as an example. Its in a 3 gallon pot. I will run 9 gallon of water thats been sitting 36 hrs. it normally gets 1 gallon every 5-6 days ( i always have lots of runoff. Once the dripping starts to slow I will add 1 more gallon of water with 1 TBS of mollasses. with the time it takes for my pots to dry normally I wont have to doing anything else. If its not ripe and needs more water to finish, It will get straight water..... then harvest day im going to let my cat pee on it lolz/// NOT!


Well-Known Member
Well the lemon skunk looks the ripest so I will use it as an example. Its in a 3 gallon pot. I will run 9 gallon of water thats been sitting 36 hrs. it normally gets 1 gallon every 5-6 days ( i always have lots of runoff. Once the dripping starts to slow I will add 1 more gallon of water with 1 TBS of mollasses. with the time it takes for my pots to dry normally I wont have to doing anything else. If its not ripe and needs more water to finish, It will get straight water..... then harvest day im going to let my cat pee on it lolz/// NOT!
sounds like a plan....minus the cat! I shall follow suit as this sounds like a good plan for my Nitro as she needs a good flushin....she's been pretty naughty lately :o


Active Member
I had almost a day off today for the first time in a while.
GOt some work that was overdue underway.
I transplanted and LSTed 4 of my plants in the veg room
everything was thirsty in there again to so they were fed

I got the big girls out in the sun (still inside)
and cleaned out their room, now all I have to do for the next few days is admire them

Here is the Blueberry at 4 weeks
THis is my bottle grow it just started showing pistols. Its a little lemon skunk.
Its roomates with the blueberry lol

THe greatwhiteshark clone : 24days: the last 3 days its stopped growing up steady at 21 inches tall. My tallest grow lol

Here is the Latest on the New great white shark I put in. from 22 inches to 10 after Lst.
lots of tops coming up. THe top has a bunch of new tops i think the fim took lol
And here is the shots of the big girls mmmm mm good

Now its time for a smoke and some chocolate cherrios!! ( its my new fav munchie lolz)
Have a great day all!!!!!


Active Member
Hi all Not much to report today.
some new growth in the buds and the big girls are starting to have the I'm getting ripe look.
Ill just give you some pics and a " I''ll do a better update tomorrow" hehe.
I was given a nice skunk joint with a tonne of BHO on it I still have half left and I cant stop thinking about it ... tasty.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Here we go as promised hehe. A better update then last night
the Veg room: I feed 1/3 strngth nutes,then 1/4 strgth nutes,then water.. according to the week they are on (from my feed chart)
then repeat. seems to work for me
the New Great White Shark LST. 5 days in showing a few pistols and preflowers. still has 16 or so days of stretch before she settles down
Here is my Lemon skunk bottle grow started 12/12 on the 8th , showing pistols today (9 days in).its just for fun. I'll Probably roll one joint out of it when I am done =)
Here is the Great White Shark clone. day 26... 21 inches and hasnt grown taller in 3 days so its full into making buds now for it. Getting good crystals and a nice fruity pinapple smell
And My lopsided blueberry. day 30 . Has real slender buds with lots of white hairs . not tonnes of crystal and not much for smell yet. seems to have a sativa dominant pheno. its got good length in the buds though hehe. ANd she puffs out for pictures lol
MMMMM. my Lemon Skunk.(day48) Tomorrow it is ready for a drink. The buds are visably looking more mature. and the grow of new white pistols is really slowing. the browning pistols are receding.
Trichomes on the lemon skunk are at a guess 20/80 clear milky, its like lookin at ice vs snow is my best description of it. Tomorrow she is going to get a flush with some molasses added.
I am further evaluating other flushing options. but they all start the same way so it will buy me a few days to decide exactly what the end is going to go like. I have included some shots of the middle buds and the underneath
And last but definatley not least hehe ,my Great White Shark.( day 48 ). She still has another day to go before she is thirsty.I will be flushing this one on sunday if its thirsty then. buds are looking more mature as well Some hairs are receding and new white pistol growth is slowing. I see more clear crystals on this one then the lemon skunk. probably 40/60 clear/milky. Greenhouse seeds say the lemon skunk is a 8 week and the Great White Shark is a 9 week strain. Of course that is just a guideline, I still think the lemon skunk is going to be ready first
And this one last shot.. Sorry it wasn't clearer Chief.Was standing on my bed to try and get the shot hehe.
(big girls aren't so green anymore)

Hope Your Day Rocks! (and your joints roll)



Well-Known Member
Love LOVE LOOOOVE the new pics.....especially the last one :) on your bed...I have so done that ;) My girls not so green anymore either....means it's ALMOST THAT TIME ;)
and I hope your day ROCKS as well ;)


Active Member
Love LOVE LOOOOVE the new pics.....especially the last one :) on your bed...I have so done that ;) My girls not so green anymore either....means it's ALMOST THAT TIME ;)
and I hope your day ROCKS as well ;)
Thanks Calicatt!
My day is off to a rocking start already.. coffee and a wake and bake hehe.
then I fed my little bottle grow as it was thirsty.
DAY 1 of flush on the lemon skunk!!!
So .. It's in a 3 gallon pot. I ran 8 gallons of plain water ( sat 36 hours) and then 1 more gallon of water with 1 TBS of mollasses in it
My thoughts? well first I pat myself on the back for mutilating the bottoms of my pots in the beginning lol.. my drainage for the full flush was awesome.
I think sofar my plan will be this. let it be until wed/thursday. If it looks real close then I will flush 3 more gallons of regular water/ 2 ice water/1 gallon really cold water with mollasses.give it a day in the light then put it in the dark until ready? how does that sound?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Calicatt!
My day is off to a rocking start already.. coffee and a wake and bake hehe.
then I fed my little bottle grow as it was thirsty.
DAY 1 of flush on the lemon skunk!!!
So .. It's in a 3 gallon pot. I ran 8 gallons of plain water ( sat 36 hours) and then 1 more gallon of water with 1 TBS of mollasses in it
My thoughts? well first I pat myself on the back for mutilating the bottoms of my pots in the beginning lol.. my drainage for the full flush was awesome.
I think sofar my plan will be this. let it be until wed/thursday. If it looks real close then I will flush 3 more gallons of regular water/ 2 ice water/1 gallon really cold water with mollasses.give it a day in the light then put it in the dark until ready? how does that sound?
sounds like a guide for me to go!!! My day is also going very well ;) Got my kids off at their uncles house, got some nice sativa to smoke and then I shall rearrange some furniture :)


Active Member
Bro that LST is looking very nice man how tall is that thing?
when the plant was standing it was 22 inches before flowering. I pinched it about 9 inches up and bent it over then LSTed .
as it grows i continue to tie them down into positions I want them to be. I turn the tops I need to stretch some ,away from the light.
its sitting at about 10" up from the dirt now.


Well-Known Member
OK kronnix... First I got to say you got MOST kick ass cfl multi plant/multi stage grow I could ever imagine. I have four healthy plants at the same stage doing the same thing in unison. I open the box adjust the lights and water. I can only make that last so long. You however have so much different shit going on with so many different needs at different times. Plants ready to harvest next to plants with months to go. I would love to have a reason to fuck with my plants for longer than I do. Face it... Were in it for the weed but it sure is a lot of fun.
Ok bud I have carefully reviewed you flushing plan and it sound great!! Is there a method to your madness or is it just cause it sounds good? How long exactly to you figure the lemon has? I'm have trouble accurately figuring out what I should be using for a planned chop date. I need better optics than a magnifying glass but I DON'T want to buy an expensive microscope so I'm gonna be roughing it a little bit. I sure could use something cheap and powerful!!
My plan without any scientific back up is this.... The small ceramic heater that's now on a timer will probably be disconnected and my intake is covered so I'm going to uncover that. Those things combined will cool the box down big time. I figure it could even go as low as 50 maybe even a little less. The next step will be cold water dipped out of the fish pond. That water will be 34 or 35 degrees. I may temper it with warm water at first and slowly move to ice cold. Maybe those steps will spook them into some last minute panic and color. Purple would be cool but increased resin production would be even cooler. Definitely molasses to the end. Why not. Thats my plan for right now just cause it sounds good to me but it could change any minute. I have seen an outdoors plants reaction to the fall and they work there asses of to finish their jobs as annuals.

I did look into ice flushing and it seemed alot of people don't think much of it. Those people for the most part don't seem to have tried it either. I would like to hear some good first hand results but I like the idea and it makes sense. Rock on Budski kronnix.. Oh yeh are you writing all your shit down or are you locking it into memory.
catt?? Are those real kids you speak or are you now calling the "girls" your children? :D


Active Member
Hi rotted. As a first timer myself I can only go with What I've read/learned so far
There is a method to my madness
At least I have made logic out of the process in my head.
First off flush with water ,.. normal proven method. rid the soil of most of the nutes. let the plants eat whatevers missed throughout the last week and use up their reserves.
next step I try and trick it into thinking winter is coming with the ice. I believe this step is more beneficial in bag appeal myself. It may make purple.. don't care, It may produce lots of trichomes... do they come filled with milky goodness? probably not. probably good for that sticky icky Snoop Dogg loves though. We will see hehe.
Next step comes the darkness. I think this will benefit the taste. 3 or so days of darkness should equal less chloraphill which is the green taste we don't want

Also Why do I think they are ready for there flush? THC has a peak of about 1 week which means a lot of the milky now will be close to/or amber in a week and the clears will be milky (hopefully) lol..

Thats my view on it... whether I am right on wrong I dunno Until I smoke my first ever owngrown bud hehe..
Really flushing it to rid it of nutes is all thats needed. and unless I see amazing results from these steps , my future may just be water flushing..nice and simple...proven to work a billion times over hehe..
Another reason to try it is that theres a few people here thinking/wanting to try/or going to do it. I think of those poeple I am the first to Flush so at least they can see what Results I get from it as well.