My Very Own CFL Grow!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good kronnix. Good luck with you new addition. Blueberry or Blue Buddah?? I'm betting in the long run it won't matter much. I have trouble getting my hand in the box now never mind another plant. These Master Kush vegged for a couple days over seven weeks. In hindsight I should have shortened that a bit. They have now been flowering for 18 days and look and smell pretty good. It's going to be tops or nuttin. No side light thats for sure.
My temps have gone from 50 degrees to 100 degree!! They still seem OK. Temps have always been all over the place. Box is in a boiler roon so it's either hotter than a pistol or colder than a womans heart. Wish I could tell you what the problem was with your shark but she looks like she will be fine. Nothing terminal! wtf, live and learn.


bong face

Well-Known Member
Well its still cold outside, but my girls got spoiled last night. 73degrees steady through the dark period . Warmer then I was!
Looked in on them first thing when lights went on to see if the brown spotson the GWS got any worse but it hasnt spread or gotten worse.
another day or so it will be nice and dry then ill give it a Flush. I was thinking of cal/mag but my nutes say it has that in the micro nutes. ill see how the plants does after the flush and go from there
was looking at my canopy after my normal routine and with some crafty moving stuff here and there, I found a spot to put another plant in there.
So i did. I put the blueberry? buddah? its either straigh blueberry or blue buddah from what my bud told me. hes got so many he just marked it BB and was going from memory lolz.(don't know sex) . its not too big (yet),so we will see how it goes for space later hehe.
pics of da day!
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looking good kronnix!

i like the new addition to the family.
a few questions if u dont mind:
did u top ur BB/what find of method?
what soil/nutrients are u using?
do u think the GWS just needs some nitrogen?
and did u just switch the BB into flower?

thanks, hope that isnt annoying lol im just curious! hahah


Active Member
looking good kronnix!

i like the new addition to the family.
a few questions if u dont mind:
did u top ur BB/what find of method?
what soil/nutrients are u using?
do u think the GWS just needs some nitrogen?
and did u just switch the BB into flower?

thanks, hope that isnt annoying lol im just curious! hahah
Thanx bongface!
I did top the BB about a week or so ago and it just awoke from its first 12/12 sleep today
I am using ProMix BX ive added 2 tbs of dolomite lime per gallon, and various ratios of perlite. trying to find a good ratio so they are not wet too long.
I use the "General Hydroponics" flora line trio (grow,micro,bloom) I been using the ratios for their feed chart but never full strength.
As far as it needing nitrogen I think its ok. I think I took that picture with closer to the lights (and i suck at photography). in real life its seems to be closer to the lemon skunk in color.. I definately see why you asked. looking at my pics though it looks light in it. when i post tonight ill try to get a better exposer so we can see.
I never mind answering questions on anything I do (right or wrong) and advice and comments from everyone who reads is welcome.
This post is my attempt to help other first timers just like me.
I am here to learn what I can, and help when I can


Active Member
Looking good kronnix. Good luck with you new addition. Blueberry or Blue Buddah?? I'm betting in the long run it won't matter much. I have trouble getting my hand in the box now never mind another plant. These Master Kush vegged for a couple days over seven weeks. In hindsight I should have shortened that a bit. They have now been flowering for 18 days and look and smell pretty good. It's going to be tops or nuttin. No side light thats for sure.
My temps have gone from 50 degrees to 100 degree!! They still seem OK. Temps have always been all over the place. Box is in a boiler roon so it's either hotter than a pistol or colder than a womans heart. Wish I could tell you what the problem was with your shark but she looks like she will be fine. Nothing terminal! wtf, live and learn.

Those are loookin good rottedroots! I want some kush in my garden. I luv it. was looking at a kings kush vids ...YUMMY
I think my Great white shark will be ok coulda been the cold/or a lockout. it was ready for a watering today so i gave it a good flush,and let it drain really good
I'll see how she reacts and go from there, the brown spots on it came up overnight on it but never got worse so I think she will live!!
and you are right it doesnt matter what it is bluberry or blue buddah they both sound good and i dont think ive tried either before


Active Member
Hey all Hope all is good for ya
Heres my Update de jour :o:
Lemon skunk smells gooooooooooood lol loookin fine. Its the only one that wasnt in need of a drink today. Almost, probably tomorrow.
Starting to look like buds and I can see crystals forming. Still has a skunk smell but it is getting a citrusy scent to it too ! I like sitting beside it until I become immune to the smell its soo nice lolz.
Great White Shark looks fine. No more brown edges have emerged and it had a good flush today. I will try a slightly weeker nute solution next feeding. buds are starting to form all over so it hasnt killed or stunted any growth.
Bluberry stretching up some see the under growth is boosting up no sign of sex on it yet.

I took the strings off today. see what the do in the next bit and tie them back if needed
4th pic is a couple of my Great White Shark clones

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Well-Known Member
I'll tell you kronnix I wish I had started with a few varieties looking back. They just all sound so sweet. For my first indoor grow I just took the advise of the kind folks at RIU and just went with the Kush. It must be pretty cool having a seed collecting budski.

I'm watching for seed specials like my wife looks for sales at Macy's. I'm really hoping to mix it up for next summers outdoor grow. A nice batch of nice mixed but tagged femmed seeds if the stars align. Just thinking about the skunky but citrusy smell of "Lemon" sounds very cool.:leaf:

PS.. How big are your pots?


Active Member
mmmmmm.....I wish I could have a wiff of that lemon skunk! Must smell devine....looking FANTASTIC!
Thanks calicatt! yeah the lemon skunk...mmmmmm i hope it works as good as it smells and I don't screw it up somewhere and ruin the flavour
When I read up on the GWS it said it had a fuely /pineapple smell i was like huh? fruit and gas yum? lol it smell is just starting to come out ,and I have to stick my nose right on them to get it.
Funny enough I know now what they are talking about the fuelly smell. though i wouldnt know how to describe still lol isobutane? lol
When I was looking up strains to get i came across a few funny ones. A particular one was called "catpiss" . I had to see what it was about , read up it had a real amonia smell to it. I was like..."I've smoked that!" I though someone did a real bad job curing that crap back then..( I remember it because it was the worst tasting weed that I was ever impressed with lolz)


Active Member
I'll tell you kronnix I wish I had started with a few varieties looking back. They just all sound so sweet. For my first indoor grow I just took the advise of the kind folks at RIU and just went with the Kush. It must be pretty cool having a seed collecting budski.

I'm watching for seed specials like my wife looks for sales at Macy's. I'm really hoping to mix it up for next summers outdoor grow. A nice batch of nice mixed but tagged femmed seeds if the stars align. Just thinking about the skunky but citrusy smell of "Lemon" sounds very cool.:leaf:

PS.. How big are your pots?
One advantage to staying with one strain is you get to know it. how it grows how it handles food.
The Great white shark is a fantastic one for me to learn with its strong , grows easy , clones easy its a good yielder,
Lemon skunks been through hell in first stage.. tried to feed it the same nutes as the GWS and it didnt take to it as well stunted it Im sure.
Then i got it going in flower I gave em both the same strength again and I think the lemon skunk handled it better the the GWS? go figure>
One strain woulda been easier/more successfull for me in hindsight.
If I like the final result I will probably keep that strain going as my steady (every grow will have some)
and use the rest of the space to try different varieties.
The lemon skunk and great white shark Came from a variety pack of feminized (GHS INDICA H) so I only had one of each type .

The great white shark is in a 6 gallon pot, lemon skunk it is a 3gallon and the BB is in a smaller 1.5G.
The great white shark has always had incredible root growth so I went 3 to 6 gallon just before flowering (couldnt find a five)
same time I went 1.5 to a 3 with the lemon skunk. It didnt have a huge root system at the time but its filling in the 3 gallon faster then I thought. i don't want to but may have to put her into a bigger pot. The BB may be my experiment stayin in smaller pots.


Active Member
Fed the lemon skunk today
Both seem to be low in nitrogen so i adjusted her juice to address the issue ill do the same next feeding on GWS
new addition has showed sex yet seems to be in the stretch stage though



Well-Known Member
lol,:lol: I've so smoked that cat piss stuff too and was surprisingly impressed. I've def. got some kind of skunk myself, it's form is similar to urs, looks like your gonna get some nice golf ball buds.


Active Member
Your girls are looking good
Hope we get to see some nice bud pics, keep on posting
seeing this makes me pumped, cant wait


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha. I have smoked weed that tasted exactly like cat piss. The sad part is i KNOW the cat pissed on the bag but yes i smoked it anyway. Now that's sick ass shit. We used to get that cat so stoned it was torture. Shotgunned the hell out of that poor cat. Feel guilty thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha. I have smoked weed that tasted exactly like cat piss. The sad part is i KNOW the cat pissed on the bag but yes i smoked it anyway. Now that's sick ass shit. We used to get that cat so stoned it was torture. Shotgunned the hell out of that poor cat. Feel guilty thinking about it.
LMAO!!!!!.....I problly woulda smoked it too! Betcha kitty liked it though, I have a dog who would pass up a steak for a little piece of stem!


Well-Known Member
calicatt/calico cat?? Houston we have a problem! I like cats I swear it. Used to put that poor kitty of mine under a clear turntable cover with a crack in the corner and fill it with 1970 era Jamaican smoke. (A turntable was something that made music if you put something called an album on it) Smoking cat piss was the least of my problems. Woulda smoked cat shit if you told me it was hash.
Kronnix.. You really think your problem if you have any are nute issues? Frankly I would be "pissed" if these Fox Farms and Alaskan products don't have what my plants need but I have already worked up to full strength Fox Farm every watering which is about 3 or 4 days apart so mine better be considered well fed.
I'm only growing in 2.5 gallon buckets so I could run into watering problems before I'm done cause these buckets are PACKED with roots. I'm pretty sure I could overcome any root bound problems with everyday watering but I hope I don't see the day. You know budski you might be right about it being easier to just grow one variety. At least you can treat them the same without have to worry about which ones are heavy feeders and such or screwing with the lights more than you want too. But... it would be nice to sample a few different ones in the end.

:?::?:Riddle me this. This pic is of a light starved male that sits at the bottom of my box. His origin is just good bag weed. Not even green weed but just good ole commercial. He is just about ready to bust a nut so I'm trying to decide if I can leave him in the box with no real ill effects. I'm not looking for a lot of seed of course but a few would be OK. A master Kush X Bagseed wtf it might be good back-up seed for outdoors. You think I can leave him just until he pops a flower or two or will it put the brakes on further female flower production. You know kronnix as I sit here stoned thinking of cat piss I wonder if you can buy pollen? It would be sort of slick to just be able to order say a few grains of anything you wanted without spending time growing males.



Active Member
Heya rottedroots kinda wish i was the cat under the glass hehe
My cat prefers pot leaves over catnip lol i out both down in front of him and he went for the leaf lolz
I pulled a plant out of the room so i could work on the other and a minute later i look over, cat snuck in the room and was chewin a leaf
good thing i had a water bottle handy .

I think my nutes are ok I havent gone up to full strength in flowering and only once during veg period. the brown spots on my leaves never got any worse , my lower leaves look a little light right now though . they are supposed to do this in flower , but I think its a little early so im giving it a bit more nitrogen in their mix.
I am trying different sized pots and different medium ratios (promix/perlite) to get good drainage and try to make sure they are not damp too long.
3g and 5g seem to be the most commonly sized pots to use from what i have read.

If you read back a bit I had a plant (male) go into flowering while in my veg room. i dont know why it did ,but it did lol
I took out of my room and far away from the ladies. over the next few days a cut its nuts off and put them in a baggy.
I read a technique where u harvest the pollen and use a Que-tip to pollenate a bud for seeds so i will be trying that out at some point :leaf:


Active Member
lol,:lol: I've so smoked that cat piss stuff too and was surprisingly impressed. I've def. got some kind of skunk myself, it's form is similar to urs, looks like your gonna get some nice golf ball buds.
Hehe If i get golfball size buds I'll roll a club and yell FOUR!!!!!!twenty lol


Active Member
3 WEEKS 12/12

I transplanted my clones into bigger pots today. In doing so I ran out of space in the Veg tent so I took a smaller Great White Shark clone and squeezed it in to steal some light in the Flower room
This one hasn't been topped at all .Its only been 3 weeks since I cut it off my big girl (5days to root 16 days veg lol) it's a little bush so im curious as to what she turns out for sog considerations :idea:
heres pics . I threw in a pic of my clones. The bottom right ones are my little lemon skunk clones.I don't have a knack for growing those but they are starting to come back.They have got a fair rooting system started now and two are growing ok .The real sickly one was a puny thing I just thought "what the hell" and it rooted anyways.If it wants to live I'll let it . the GWS luvs my noobish ways i guess
the blueberry hasnt shown sex as of yet



Well-Known Member
Looks ok kronnix. Our set-up and plants look very much alike. So what could you realistically expect to yield?Im gonna pull the male and see if it will drop some pollen for me. I have successfully used a small paper bag carefully placed around one small bud. Does not take much pollen to set a bunch of seeds. Just makes sense to try for a free nuts to use at some point. Rock on my boneheaded friend.


Active Member
Hey all not gonna do pics today they pretty much the same as yesterday hehe.
I've got a canundrum . I told my dad what i was doing (he used to grow) he was like oh really?
he said " I have a 250w metal halide light.Do you want it? " I was like hell yeah!
He called me back a few minutes later and said " I just looked at it and its actually a 400w "
I know its not as good as an HPS light but would it give better results flowering under that VS My CFL lights?
400w pretty much maxes my power out I had to move my veg room already because it was tripping the breaker.