My Very Own CFL Grow!!


Active Member
Hello again!
Busy day in the garden today Veg room needed a transplant and some feedings, I also did 4 cuttings off my greatwhite shark mother. What I'm going to do with them I dont know ,but they were of no use on the plant ,because they would never have gotten light.

My bigger girls also were in need of a drink. I gave the Lemon skunk 1/4 strgth nutes. It didnt look like it needed anything but a refresher. I ran 1 gallon of nute/water through it and got a little over a litre back in runoff ph was good going in and in runoff.
Due to the nute burn I gave water only to the great white shark. I ran 2 gallons through it. I usually do 1.25 and get good runoff , I ran extra to get rid of any bad deposits. got lots of runoff and ph was good going in and in runoff as well.

My Blueberry its looking good its got little tiny buds forming ( so cute) lol. The little great white clone is starting to flower as well.
the first pic is the blueberries first bud

Heres my pics. jan30BBflower.jpgjan30Floweringplants.jpgjan30GWSbud.jpgjan30GWS.jpgj30LemonSkunkbud.jpgjan30Lskunk.jpg


Active Member
That 1 frosty top Has to be the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Looking oh so fine kronnix! I love pictures.
She thanks you very much for the compliment... now I hope she blushes more size to go with all them crystals!... hehe
I just want to say again where these strains came from:
Both seeds were in a "Indica H" 5 pack of color coated seeds.. they pack also came with white rhino,train wreck,& cheese.
I suggest with color coated to give them a presoak for at least a few hours to soften the coating off. I had a few germinate inside it ,but couldnt push through the stuff.
I sooo wanted the white rhino. one day...


Active Member
Here I go again with more pictures and blabber.
Thank you everyone for the compliments and support. It's given me confidence in my choices and has provided me with the much needed patience involved in the garden.
here our gardens become one. I learn from you and you learn from me and we all gain greatly together

The reason I post so many pictures and updates is to help someone see the daily changes and progressions
So they know visually the transition. This is my first grow, so if another person out there see's this and it gives them the confidence to try it sweet.
if I happen to help with info they need kool.. etc..

I was scared of failing so miserably before.. probably all those years buying dope and saying "I could do better." ,but really thinking in my head "like hell I could.".
I have found my garden very theraputic and I haven't even smoked any of it's fruits yet! I enter my room and it's like time has to slow , to the pace of the plants..
Thats probably because I just blazed and the lights stunned me though lol..

Anyways all was good in the garden, no issues and didnt have to feed any of them. One day and a half after I ran some water through the Great white shark , I think I made the right choice.I didnt do a full flush , but I can see the leaves are a little more relaxed today ( less clawing ) . Week 5 on the feed chart is the last time that I use the grow part of my nutes.It says just the micro and bloom from here on out. I plan on running 1/4 strngth throughout the rest , but that could change. I expext to see more yellowing as it goes on .I read this somewhere not to take the leaves off & let them fall off on their own, because the flowers are eating the food in them. I think I'll try that aproach myself. have a great day all



Well-Known Member
LOVE the update, keep them photos comin :) I love sharing info with all you great peeps on RIU, the best part for me is being able to watch grows such as yours. If I could give you more rep I totally would. I know I said it 20 times but I'm gonna say it again, "Your babies are AMAZING" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You can't post too many pictures kronnix so don't you worry about that. It's not rocket science But it sure is fun hanging out with the girls. I have the day off today And I'm getting ready to take mine out of the box So I can play with them for a while. They like the 1 on 1 attention. I am surprised At how thick and chunky My buds are becoming. Plus it's a lot of fun. Knock them dead Budski!!


Active Member
HEy all! hope all is well
no new news thats the pics won't say for themselves so I'll take a seat and let the ladies speak hehe



Well-Known Member
Kronnix. Have you ever heard the song big rock candy mountain? I think about it every time I see that frosty nugget


Active Member
Nice looking training regimine you got going on!
thanks jeeba I tied em down and moved the ties around until until it reached the edge of the lights , then let them grow up from there
theres only a few ties on it nowadays just to keep it even


Active Member
Hey all
Updates today I included my later additions in the pics.I put a picture of them day 1 of 12/12 and then today for reference
the Blueberry is at 2 weeks today and the GWS clone is at day 11
You can see the buds forming on the Blueberry.
The GWS has grown lots. I am interested to see this one bud. It hasnt been topped or bent. THe only one so far lol.
Day33 on the big girls
Enjoy the picsfeb2GWS.jpgfeb2GWSbud.jpgfeb2LSkunk.jpg!feb2LSkunkbud.jpg


Active Member
Hi all !
Had a great day and finished it off with a great smoke and a photoshoot with my girls.
didnt really need to do anything in the garden today , just admire and move them to get light in different areas
Today I added pictures of my ghetto light fixture that I use. I have a 6 light version in my veg tent. also included a pic of how close my lights are always.
and some bud porn too!
A few days away from feeding the big girls. Thanks to reading calicatts post I am going to get some organic unsulphered mollasses and give it to them.. thanks callicatt!


Well-Known Member
Looking SWEET!! Your light rig up may be ghetto, but very crafty and your ladybuds seem to like it so that's really all that matters :) My ladies are still really lovin their molasses feedings, I'm going to be feeding tonight myself and they are just so impatient I tell ya. Last night they were BEGGING me for just a little bit, I almost caved, but stuck to my guns. It's so hard to have patience sometimes :)