Well-Known Member
Now I take no credit for this mix I learned it from c.c. . I have just improved upon it and my results are blowing me away so much I wanted to share with the nerds out there.
1x 3.0 cu ft bale of peat moss no perlite or limestone fluffs out to approx 4.0 cu ft.
4 cu ft of aeration rice hulls or growstones. I prefer to not use perlite.
3 cu ft of high grade worm castings
.5 cu ft of composted virgin forest material
.5 cu ft of oly mountain fish compost
48 cups of mineral rock dust
6 cups of neem or kranja seed meal
6 cups of kelp meal
6 cups of crustation meal
2lbs of growkashi
.5 cu ft of bio char.
1x 3.0 cu ft bale of peat moss no perlite or limestone fluffs out to approx 4.0 cu ft.
4 cu ft of aeration rice hulls or growstones. I prefer to not use perlite.
3 cu ft of high grade worm castings
.5 cu ft of composted virgin forest material
.5 cu ft of oly mountain fish compost
48 cups of mineral rock dust
6 cups of neem or kranja seed meal
6 cups of kelp meal
6 cups of crustation meal
2lbs of growkashi
.5 cu ft of bio char.