
Well-Known Member
You need to give us all the info possible before we have a damn chance of succeeding at this. Lighting (type, schedule, and distance from plants), nutes, soil, how often do you water... anything else that is relevant. Spill it all out, and we may have a chance. Post a picture and spill it all out and we'll have an even better chance.


Active Member
Ok i have three plants in small 6inch pots right now i use natural soil that comes from my back yard. Under about 4009 lumens of light a 250 light bulb with blue light. Two of the plants are healthy. I water it anytime i feel like so how much should i water it i water it more than 4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
i water it more than 4 times a day.

TOO MUCH WATER new growers always use too much water, only water it when its dry up to AN INCH into the SOIL. isn't it ANNOYING when people TYPE LIKE THIS. XD.
if you're not sure, stick your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle, if its moist then you don't need to water it.


Well-Known Member
I know this is difficult, but you have to learn to let the plant tell you when it needs to be watered. I agree with the above, if you're watering 4x/day you're watering WAY too much and may be drowning the plants.

What do you mean "a blue light"? You're looking to duplicate the PAR of sunlight for the plants (PAR = photosynthetically active radiation), and if you mean the blue end of the spectrum then you're doing great for aquatic creatures but not so great for terrestrial. If it's just blue to your eyes then that means little to us or the plant. Blue as in actinic (420nm)?


Well-Known Member
Holy hell! 4x a day! Now there's your problem! haha yea try more like once every 3-4 days and see how that goes. The soil SHOULD dry out in between waterings (so air can get to the roots). If it's moist/soaking wet all the time, the roots will just hate you, and the plant will shrivel up, as you experienced.


Well-Known Member
you need cfl's not incandesent "grow lights" they don't work for shit. Also check the grow faq (top left). After reading it then ask your questions!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone. Just wanted to add that shriveling is the absolute worst. The plant is disappearing before your very eyes.