My worst fears.


Well-Known Member
Check out Radio Shacks new police scanners. The have a new thing called "Close Call" Turn on the Close Call feature and any radio talk for like 3 blocks will be picked up automatically. They are really nice. You would of been able to hear every word that pig said on his radio.
Im gonna go get one of them they sound hella sick.


Well-Known Member
I can never loose my kids because of cannabis..... anyone that knows their rights can't...... unless cannibis is what brings attention to other issues.... I have been through it! I know..... and you can't lose your house unless you are not medical and get caught.

I wouldn't grow at all if not for MM....... at least not anywhere near my kids...... the days of paranioa are over..... my previous post is more realistic than you think, as it has happened in the bay area of Cali many many times, and through out the rest of the state (and a few others).

Like I said..... "Some people just need to grab their balls to make sure they are still there and step up. Others just need to grow some."

The support is there when it is asked for properly....


New Member
That's nice for a few...very few states, but this isn't the California forum. :lol:

Ppl who have grow ops in their homes in "most" states, will have huge legal issues if caught. Kids included. Of course it goes without saying that if you have a grow op, you better not have a single weapon in that house.....they will link them together, sure as the sun rises.


Well-Known Member
What that guy said. If your indoor crop is taken by dildo police, they will possibly seize your house. No matter how close, or far away your outdoor crop is, you can always DENY IT!!!! It is also a good idea to try different routes to your patch, avoiding a direct, obviously visible trail. Always have a legit excuse to be outdoors. Carry birdwatching books and binoculars. Do anything to have a real excuse, as if you stumbled upon this patch of grass, while walking your dog, or some shit. Outdoor is infinite in possibilities, and if you are careful, and a skilled guerrilla grower, you are one season away from winning the marijuana lottery!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, didn't intend to start a indoor vs. outdoor thread but I guess the circumstances called for it. Anyways, I'm pretty sure those cops were there for some other reason so I didn't do anything drastic. Just moved one of my smaller plants to a spot further away from my property. The more and more I think about it, I have nothing to worry about, my spot is perfect, plenty of deniability and close enough to care for. Next year I plan on going much bigger and I'm going to spread them out more. I plan on planting near the stateline next year, I figure I'd have less chance of having flyovers by police.

Later the same day my real worst fears happened, a neighbor's dog burst out it's front door and ran across the street and bit my 5 year old daughter. I wasn't there when it happened or I would have killed the dog right there. I had to run her to the hospital and she is okay, it only bit her on her back, luckily not her face or fingers. I was so pissed, I was already on edge from the cops snooping around our neighborhood and then that happened. What was bad was that at first I didn't know how bad it was and I had just watched that A@E American Justice show about that couple's dog that mauled that women to death. What a damn day.

What's really stupid is they still have their dog. I'm sorry for them, I know how a pet becomes a member of the family but that dog has to go. No one has said anything yet, but if animal control or the health department doesn't take the dog I'm gonna have to find a good poisen to put in some dog treats.


Well-Known Member
There are no bad dogs....only bad dog owners.

I'm sorry ur little girl was bitten...... ouch.
your dog should listen go your call and only your call
should sit at your feet and stay an arms length when outside
people need to trAin their dogs properly

good luck on the guerrila grow


Well-Known Member
People are Federally protected..... as I said before.... you have to know your rights, and more importantly USE them, and USE them CORRECTLY..... Dude in Texas is perfect example..... 30,000 plants outside, 2,000 inside, busted, warrant in hand, federally protected, didn't lose house or kids..... there is plenty of precedent in the courts if you look hard enough, the ONDCP tries to keep it all hush hush..... dude didn't spend more than 48 hrs in jail..... the trick is PROTECTIVE Measures BEFORE anything ever happens ;)

You have to look at lines of Authority, and where your rights come from...... do a little definition "in context" research....... all in due time........


New Member
So what are the protectives measure one takes to be able to grow 32,000 plants and spend only 48 hours in jail.... do tell.


Well-Known Member

His lawyer "exercised" his rights as outlined in the Constituion.....

I meant for YOU to read it...... and more importantly understand it as applied by its "definition in context"


Well-Known Member
and Im not JUST talking about the bill of rights...... Im talking about the whole thing, from start to end.

The battle is won in court....


New Member
Read this:

The States usually prosecute most marijuana offenses. However, the Federal government will often opt to prosecute when acts involved Federal property (i.e. U.S. Forests), large quantities (over 50 plants or 50 kilos), the crossing of national borders, and where the investigation was conducted by Federal agents. Over 100 plants is mandatory 5 year sentence!
Sentencing guidelines are considered excessive, not only by defense attorneys, but by many Federal Judges. These guidelines are followed and enforced!



New Member
Tell that to all of the incarcerated out there.... irrelevant my arse. This is what you will face. Now if you want to believe that you will be the exception....fine. The chart is the RULE for almost everyone caught with significant amounts of weed. If the Fed's come in, it doesn't matter what state you live in...those are the guidelines.

Over 100 plants is 5 years. You may get lucky.....but most don't. Ppl should be aware of the difference.


Well-Known Member
luck, circumstance

if nothing is said nothing is done.....

no need to argue.... :)

we are both right, I agree with you.... MOST people do get those "mandatory" sentences..... but they don't have to.... every one goes to court..... what happens there is entirely due to circumstance and personal choices and awareness....

I got busted with 13 lb.'s and 200 plants right after I turned 18...... I actually never went to jail at all..... had necessary paperwork and lawyers contact with me (I did not have MM at the time) I went through it..... I have some good friends that are federal judges..... some family that have studied law for over 30 years..... my kids were brought up, so was my personal property.... it was the scariest 8 hrs of my life..... they put the cuffs on.... three hours later they were taken off... I just played my "cards" as it were, and it always helps to have a copy of the constitution on hand ;)