My young daughter is dying.


Active Member
I am attaching a picture of the suffering girl. She was left alone for a day (she is nearly three weeks old!) and was found like this on return. Her stem is, as the attached picture shows, a bit shriveled, pinched even. It is impossible that anything besides a gentle breeze came in contact with her.

An identical ailment brought a young sibling down more than a week ago; the damaged stem was buried up to the hilt, but within 48 hours death was certain.

I do not want to lose such a beautiful girl! Help me rollitup, you're my only hope.



Active Member
the stem looks messed up....i dont think u can save this one sry man... but i could be wrong so get a straw or something and tie the plant to it and keep it straight then just hope 4 the best.


Well-Known Member
i think the top of the plant is too heavy, so try moving your bulbd closer and bury the dtem in potting soil all the way up to the first set of bottom leaves.


Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you using? If CFL keep it close enough just too not burn it. Put your hand under the light, if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for the plant.


Well-Known Member
this one could go either way. yep, split a piece of plastic straw long ways and gentle wrap it around the stalk to straighten it. good luck.


Well-Known Member
you could try clipping the cotyledon and then bury it up to the first set of true leaves. i've done this but you need to be careful of over watering until the stalk that is buried roots. it will easily rot at this point.