mycellium vs mold - agar -time lapse


Well-Known Member
yeah, notice how the mold doesn't go away nor get overtaken by mycellium.

if mold and mycellium were innoculated at the same time, mold would take over the whole agar plate.

mold is bad, any mold, any mold, bad, mold is bad.

best thing for the infected substrate to put it outside. mold won't grow under UV rays, from the sun. hence a compost pile that grows mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I didn't know that about the UV rays. What is the best way to put it outside? Just dump out the jar as is or do you have to bury or something?


Well-Known Member
it's getting late in the season, depending on your location...

check there are outdoor mushroom beds guides. some colonized grain, some fiber, some simple sugar, some seasoned compost... compost is easy, cubensis love it.

august is way late in the season to start outside, somewhere near the equator could start now. it can take a month for an outdoor grow to come around, using good colonized grain.


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't even think an outdoor attempt is even an option for me. Being that I live in a high desert. But I will look into, maybe its option for when I move or something. Thanks for all the info Nash!


Well-Known Member
You can grow mushrooms ouside on purpose?! Do you still have to buy the spores and everything? Or just get things that magic mushrooms grow or feed on?


Well-Known Member
So then basically you buy spores place them outside? Wouldnt that just ruin your spores by lowering the chances of growth extremely?