Mycorrhizae Question


Well-Known Member
i saw a utuber that recommended mixing hydrogen peroxide w/water... i been doing that at about 12-13 drops per gallon. im guess this wouldn't be good to do once i start using beneficial fungi?


Well-Known Member
i saw a utuber that recommended mixing hydrogen peroxide w/water... i been doing that at about 12-13 drops per gallon. im guess this wouldn't be good to do once i start using beneficial fungi?
this is the impression im under right now, if im wrong please correct me

if your only using the H2O2 to disinfect your water you can still do it, you just have to do it the day before you use it. H2O2 breaks down to plain water in several hours if left to open air. just treat your plain/un-ph'ed water the night before you need it. the H2O2 will kill any bad shit in your water and then dissapate.

if this is wrong please correct me, i hate being wrong, and hate bad info more.


Well-Known Member
hooked.on.phonics stated "Utterly ridiculous. It's no easier to kill a plant with or without fungi."
That is not what my experience tells me.
In no way did I say that you grow plants exactly the same with or without fungi. If you do stupid things you're going to kill plants - and fungi. Hell, even if you do everything right sometimes they'll die. That's life.

But no amount of using or not using fungi is going to protect a plant from the grower being irresponsible. If you're using fungi you're not simply growing plants. You're growing plants and fungi. You've got to feed and care for both. This isn't harder. It simply bears knowing.

If you want to grow something that requires no knowledge of... oh, growing things... plastic plants are probably a better choice.

I'm not directing this at you, btw. I'm simply saying that people in general have to know what they're doing if they hope to succeed at it and that not knowing what you're doing doesn't mean there's the first thing wrong with the tools they're using.

You hand a monkey a hammer, nails, and wood to build a table. When you don't get a table it's not because the hammer's broken. Nothing wrong with the hammer, nails, wood, or even the monkey.

Also any chemical fertilizer will kill the fungi. Not immediately, but it will.
I'm the richest man in the universe. See, I can do it too. I can't back up my claim, either.

Seriously dude, chemical ferts don't kill fungi. If they did we wouldn't have to worry about growing fungus in our hydroponics. Misuse of anything can lead to problems of many kinds. If you misuse a fertilizer and it kills something it doesn't mean all fertilizers are lethal.

Other people don't have a problem with it, so it's clearly not the product that has the problem.