Mycorrhizal powder


What are your thoughts on mycorrhizal powder like "White Widow" or other brand names. Does it really aid in transplanting and accelerated root growth? Anyone every gave it a try? I'm considering ordering some but I wanna see what the general consensus is.


Well-Known Member
Yes I like it I use to use green gro ultra fine mycorrhizae. Now I use XTREME Gardening MYKOS its way cheaper and you get a big bag compared to the little jars.


Well-Known Member
I use great white and xtreme gardening. A 2.2lb bag will cost u 23 bucks on ebay, its great for transplants.....root growth is amazing. I transplanted a plant in 2 gallon pot into a 5 gallon bucket and I believe 5 days later i had a 4 inch root growing out the bottom of the bucket already.


Well-Known Member
I use the extreme products both indoors and outdoors. You'll notice a difference for sure! All products are different and have different combinations of mychorrizae, which will in turn affect end pricing. I typically find you can get an equal/better product for less money if you go outside the growshops and buy stuff marketed to general gardners rather than stuff marketed to marijuana gardners. Just be sure to compare labels first.


Well-Known Member
mycorrhizal powder is great in soil
The little buggers eat stuff that plants can not use. Their poop is like plant steroids.
I use it all over my yard.


Awesome! Thank you everyone for your responses. Sounds like its def worth a try, I may even have to use it in the veggie garden too.

Does anyone have a real preference between the great white vs the mykos (xtreme gardening). The mykos is dramatically cheaper. My current understanding is that the great white powder is exactly that, a fine powder and the mykos is more coarse.

Thanks again everyone :-)
Semper Fi


Well-Known Member
Great white can be added to resevoirs. I buy the granular mykos from xtreme gardening but they are making pouches now so....look at the contents of both and compare.