Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
beer and tv time now man beer and tv time =) oh and some bowlage too, i smoked my morning bowl talked to ur ass all day online, laughed after i saw fat sacks quote hydr talkin shit lol, then ismoked another bowl, talked to ur ass some more and wizards, forgot to smoke again kept drinking and now its 830 and i havent even burnt a half gram today lol

thanks buddy your helpin me conserve by our constant shit tallking lol

what a good friend lol
Myllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :hug:

Howzit? bongsmilie

Look at me all hardcore with mah one post n ting. 8) If you were a real friend you'd share half of your reppity with me. I'm just a stranger with a black dot : poke:

Where the funk is my stick? :wall:


P.S. - Fixed your tags for you. You're welcome. :)


Well-Known Member
awwww you came for me :D

my rep aint worth shit yet :p one day! no red reppin here tho ;) lucky for you!

my tags are fixed alright :p LOL

u best make this posting a more regular thing... i been missin u!


Well-Known Member
hey bro, no pics till friday :D just planted the kaia kush and twilight in 1 gallons as wellso 7 plants in 1 gallons now :D the roots looked great on em all....that hygrozyme is great shit!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
hygrozizyme, pshhhh hygrozyme brew up some poop tea man ;) heres a hint for recipe, take one of nl's soil recipes and break it down into smaller fractions brew it up and find out what ratio water to tea works on some tomatoes or some shit. that would actually make it not neccesary for ph or ppm or anything like that just add water with tea and plants grow Beasto. Im pretty sure im going to start doing it that way im tired of givin money to the hydro store lol i'd rather buy a big ass bag o guano and use my own compost and EWC to make shit.

But i guess if you dont have a yard and you live where its cold hygrozyme is the next best thing. I dont really like sensizym, cannazyme is pretty good shit too. Just the enzyme shit so damn $$$$$


Well-Known Member
enzyme shit is expensive per bottle but it lasts forever bro. lil goes a long way. iv only used 3 40 dollar bottles of hygrozyme in bout 4 years of growing LOL

i aint brewing teas at this kids apartment LOL

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
holy shit 3 bottles in four years cannot argue with that lol

enzyme shit is expensive per bottle but it lasts forever bro. lil goes a long way. iv only used 3 40 dollar bottles of hygrozyme in bout 4 years of growing LOL

i aint brewing teas at this kids apartment LOL


Well-Known Member
kid is sooo fuckin talented....a buddy sent me lightspeed and i been brnin through all his shit on the tube. cant get enuff