Mystery Plant Problem, help please!!



I'm having a few problems with my first plant... all was going well until about a week ago (it's about 4 weeks old), when the tips of the leaves started to go brown/yellow which slowly takes over the rest of the leaf and it drops off. Once they have dropped off they feel quite dry and crispy. It seems to have affected leaves from the base of the plant first, new leaves aren't being affected just yet but I think it is getting worse so any help/advice would be much appreciated! I hav checked out some of the guideson this website but I'm not confident enough to decide on my own what the problem is.....

Here are some photos....



Active Member
what kinda nutes are you using and how much? and what else is growing in that pot? From the looks of that stem, that plant is way stretched, what kinda lights ?


Hi, Thanks for the reply, I've been using red/blue led panel on the plant, it's on for 20 hours a day on a timer.

It's planted in pot compost (new for this plant) and I feed it every other water with a few drops of baby bio in the feed. This contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (10.6, 1.9, 1.4). I left it with my brother while I was a away a few days about 2 weeks ago and he fed it when he watered it.....

also the little green bit you can see in the pot is the two tiny leaves off the bottom of the stem which fell. That's when I realised there's probably something seriously wrong.....


strain brain - thanks for advice, although what's an ec meter? also what ph is best?? I went for a compost which was ph neutral.... thanks :-)