mystery problem


Active Member
Hi everyone, I am a newbie grower with my very first plant, a lowryder2. I am taking good care of her and checking every day (maybe i am getting a bit obsessed). Anyhow, its 30 days since planted as a seed and after being first in sunlight (er... sort of. UK winter), then a couple of 20W cfls, now its under a 125 flowering cfl in a selfbuilt tent.
To the point. The new growth leaves are distinctly paler than the older ones, it is still growing at a good rate, but i spoted a first yellowish patch on one leaf. I've looked at many guides but found nothing conclusive. Can anyone help me??
I posted some pix.
Its in soil, 18h, 20celsius, bio-bloom NPK of 2-6-3.5.
Help Help Help...
....or am i just obsessing.




Active Member
i looked at your pics and it looks good to me... is this your first grow? i think you are OBSESSED but hey arent we all. you can never watch it too much but just relax smoke one and let it do its thing.


Active Member
Thanks for the input crazyhaze!
You were right, the turned greener with time.
now it is only the tips that are yellowing in the new growth. I am suspecting nuteburn or ph problems. I am gonna post some pics and go get a ph tester from the garden centre.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say you actually may need a tad bit more nutes. Yellowing is the first sign of a plant that is hungry. Nute burn looks more like rust in most cases, or brown patches. I think you are doing a very good job in keeping the nutes at a small level, but you may need to add juuust a bit more : )


Active Member
I take on board your advice itzCESAR,
I am still undecided on what the casue is and what action to take. Ill let it evolve a couple of days see if the symptons get a bit clearrer.

ps. I just had an idea of something that could be having a impact. During seedling stage the lighting it had was much weaker and only got her full blast of lumens later on. Could it be that the rootsystem she developed in the seedling stage is insuficient to serve the rapid growing leaves now they have plenty of light and nutes??