Mystery Problem


Hello Fellow humans,

I am growing two plants, they are in the fourth week of flowering and ever since I put them into flowering one has been experiencing a strange discoloration and seems to be deteriorating. The problem with the plant is these very strange splotchy brown yellow spots all over the leaves. The weird thing a bout these discolorations is that they seem be affect the new growth very badly, and as the leaves grow it seems to stay the same and not get any worse.

I have checked for bugs extensively, I am almost positive it is not a bug problem as I have two plants that are right next to eachother and only has been affected. Also both plants have been cared for in the exact same manner from seed.

They are potted in Happy Frog organic potting soil under a 400w HPS grow light. I feed them Dyna-Grow Bloom for flowering plants (3-12-6) and they are both on the same feeding schedule.

Again I want to reiterate that thorough inspections have been made and there are signs of pests. Either I am bad at hunting for them or they aren't there. Some of the leaves are even experiencing holes in them. The new growth looks very bad, but as the leaf grows it seems to not get any worse. The new growth is very thin, twisted, and has very visible discolorations.

Attached are the best photos I could get of the sick plant. IMAG0141.jpgIMAG0142.jpgIMAG0139.jpgIMAG0140.jpg


Well-Known Member
What is the temp in the room? What is the soil temp? Is the PH leveled out correctly? Have you added too much nutes? If the temp is too high it can cause bad stress to your girls rooting system and end up with, well what you have. If the ph is badly out of whack that can happen. If you add too much nutes you can get a salty build up on the root causing nute burn. I never seen a plant in such bad shape pull through. I would put her back into veg until we get this sorted out.


The temperature during the day is around 75-80, at night probably around 65-70. I check my pH every time I water and its about 6.2-6.3 which should be fine...the thing is i have a perfectly healthy plant that has undergone exactly the saem conditions which is why I am confused.


Well-Known Member
i have the exact same problem, i think its a ph problem so im going to flush them for a week and c what happens


Well-Known Member
Man they use to have pics in the plant problem section for ALL of the probs we come across and tells you what the problem is. Its a sticky. All it has now is the words.