Mystery seed, first grow, CFL


Well-Known Member
We grew up kinda poor so she spoils us when she can, even though I'm over 30, lol

Fuck it, I'm gonna put it too good use, any other day I'd be at Gamestop though, hahaha


Well-Known Member
haha! fuck gamestop, they are the biggest rip offs.

but parents that smoke are cool.

My dad has been trying to get medical grade weed for a couple years, I wanna grow some and just bring home like a ounce and be like happy birthday! lol


Well-Known Member
hahaha, she doesn't smoke! They have no idea I smoke yet, my wife's parents do but not mine, they will soon enough. My parents are kind of old school Mexican and not very opened minded to say the least, nothing some education can't fix though


Well-Known Member
That's a really nice tent man. I certainly wouldn't buy on of their fans for $90 bucks, lol
They come in all the standard sizes which is sweet.
Awesome bro can't wait to see this baby in action.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to use the fans I have now until I need more. With only 2 plants going in there for now there should be plenty of room until I can upgrade the ventilation.


Well-Known Member
I must have been really high last night thinking I could fit that tent in my place, this one or the next one. I found one locally, a 2 foot by 4 foot for $170, gonna go pick that up right now :D I wish I could fit a 4x4 but it would take up way too much space.


Well-Known Member
The setup was a breeze, it was easier to set this thing up than my camping tent, lol

Still trying to figure out where I want it, probably going to set it up in the bedroom for now. I'm cash poor now so I can't pick up any new clones until we get paid


Well-Known Member
I couldn't handle the midwest...

Well it's all setup, plants are in, the clone is transferred to Foxfarm and so is the other straggler, one is under a dome and I hope it cracks soil tomorrow or I'll probably toss it. I'll start my new thread soon, just putting the finishing touches. Not much to show really except for the setup


Well-Known Member
My ph levels were way above 8.0 so I did a little search, turns out that if you mix some lime juice with water you can bring it down. I ended up testing it and sure enough, it dropped down to somewhere between 6.0 and 6.5. I used it to water the them. I set the 400w light to 12/12, on at 7am and off at 7pm. I'm almost done, now, I probably won't start the new thread until sometime tonight


Well-Known Member
Nice fridge!

So it's been running with 3 small wal mart fans, 2 exhaust and one pointing at the light from above, there is also a 16 inch box fan for now. After only 2 hours it's running pretty hot at 91 with very low humidity at 28... Not sure what to do, I adjusted the big fan a big to see if it helps. It will turn off at 7pm anyway so I'll have a few hours to figure out how to keep that thing cool. Next thing is a C02 setup... I need to keep it cheap