Mystifiedbongs Multi-strain Photoperiod Grow


Well-Known Member

I had too much goin on in my last thread and think it'll be easier for us all if i organize things. my last thread focused primarily on autos since 9 out of 12 of my plants were autos, but i feel my photoperiod plants were neglected.

I now have 2 threads ill be keeping up to date and maybe a picture thread, but mainly one for autos and one for photoperiod's

This is the photoperiod one if you havent figured it out.. lol

you can check out everything up until now here

here's my set up for now
I have 2 grow tents, both 7 feet tall. Veg tent is 5x55 and flower tent is 4x8.

I currently only have one HID light so im flowering in the 5x5 this one time.
I have a 400w switchable set up, 4 inch vented hood, a 900+cfm exhaust fan and passive air intakes. i used a agrolux MH light in veg and am currently using an EYE hortilux superHPS for veg. along with that i have a t12 floro set up with 6- 4 foot 40w full spectrum tubes in it for supplemental lighting

after a harvest ill buy 2 600w switchables for the 4x8 and flower in there.

im growing 2 Barneys Farm Red Cherry Berry
and 1 Female Seeds X-Line Fast Nevilles Haze

there 1 month old today



Well-Known Member
so i got some rooting hormones, rootone and roottech.
ones a powder and other is a gel
anyone have any experience with either?

id much rather take 3 or 4clones from my red cherry berry than plant more seeds
same goes for the nevilles haze of which i have no more beans.

whats the optimal medium to put the clones in until i transplant into soil?


Well-Known Member
can anyone give an opinion on house and garden nutrients? im thinking of going with their entire line but if there's things unnecessary then please tell me.


Weed Modifier
so i got some rooting hormones, rootone and roottech.
ones a powder and other is a gel
anyone have any experience with either?

id much rather take 3 or 4clones from my red cherry berry than plant more seeds
same goes for the nevilles haze of which i have no more beans.

whats the optimal medium to put the clones in until i transplant into soil?
i use the gel.
cutting are ideal for sensimellia ;)
i use the expanding pellets.


Moderatrix of Journals
we usually double up, dip in the gel and then powder.

hazes might take a couple days longer to show roots (at least in my experience it has)

if they're going into dirt anyway, i'm with lime73 - jiffy pellets.


Moderatrix of Journals
your a strange one kitty, which would be why i like you so, lol...
yeah kitty is an odd number, which would make my poor man a glutton for punishment....
"aww, you LOVE me...."
"i would HAVE to."


(i like you too racerboy, because you're [sarcasm] soooooo normal [/sarcasm])


Well-Known Member
not much attention on this thread so here's a new pic, recently watered with ph water, hygrozyme and sharkbite
sitting mainly under a 240w fluorescent box but there's a 400w shps in there
19/5 still vegging, showing female preflowers and pistils
the 3 in the back are the RCB and NH the rest are my autos i have another thread for


bud bootlegger
ok mystified, i'd be more than glad to help you build a diy cloner, i've been meaning to do a diy thread on it, but have been too lazy, but its simple as poo, the way i've been doing it and works awesome..
do you know what i mean by a kids sippy cup?? the one i'm referring to has a built in straw on the one side of the cup, and no lid to it, just a plastic kids cup with the built in straw on the side of it... i take this cup, and i just so happened to have an air pump laying around from my co2 boost bucket, and the pump also has about a three or so foot length of air line with it.. i take the airline from the pump, and put it into the straw part of the cup, and push it all the way to the bottom of the cup, the hose fits perfectly in the straw part of the cup, nice and snug, great fit.. then i just turn the air pump on, and its an instant diy bubble cloner..
i take my cuttings from the bottom part of the plant, and try to make sure that there is at least a few nodes on the cutting i'm using.. i cut off any side branches on the cuttings, and trim back about 1/4 or so of the top leaves as well, basically just trim the points off of the leaves so that they aren't concentrated more on vegetive growth, but rather in growing new roots..
i also was told by the hydro store guy to take a razor blade, and scrape about half an inch or so of the outer cambium, or skin later off of the stem of the cutting too.. i go vertically, and just lightly expose some of the inner layer of the stems.. i try and do at least say two scrapings per clone, one on opposing sides of the stem..
i then take the cutting, and first dip it into the rooting gel, and take it right out of the powder and place it right into some olivia's rooting gel that i got at the hydro store... the powder i got from i think wally world, forget the name of it..
after i dip them in the rooting gel and powder, i simply place them into my diy sippy cup bubble cloner.. i also add just a lil bit of the rooting powder to the water in the cup and maybe two or so drops of superthrive as well..
i have cuttings going right now using this method that i took from my plants that had been in flower for about 10 days or so, and i started to see small signs of roots in about two to three days.. i'm talking about really small signs of roots that basically just look like some bumps on the stems.. i'm just leaving them in for longer till i start to really get some nice roots going, then i'll just transplant them into some ffof soil.. to get some really nice roots that are ready to transplant can take up to about 10 days or so, but i've yet to not have a clone root using this super simple and cost effective method..
i don't put them under any kind of humidity dome, nor do i mist them at all or anything like that, just leave them in the cup and under some cfl's for a few days like i said.. no heating pad, no high humidity levels, nothing of that sort.. just a simple ass old skool method of rooting cuttings that i learned from me mommsy.. she didn't use the sippy cup and air pump mind you, that was my twist on it, but i think that the air pump helps to keep the air oxygenated, duh, lol, and helps to make them root faster..

so, i hope that this tutorial helps, and if you need any kind of pix mystified, just ask, and i'd be more than happy to provide some for you so you can visualize what i'm talking about a lil better..


bud bootlegger
i think i may have gotten the order confused in that post ... i first take the cuttings and dip it into the gel, and then into the powder.. i do the gel first to help the powder stick better.. i went back and fixed my original post once, and now i see that i still missed a few other refferences, so i'll just put it here instead..

so the order is gel, then powder and not the other way around..


Well-Known Member
yeah man i know the cups your talking about, thats an awesome idea, you should def make a thread, deserves to get stickied, so its like a one at a time cloner right? i could just set up 3 or 4 cups to a multi outlet air pump and run them all at once?

DEF make a thread for it and thanks alot for taking the time to explain it to me

+ rep bro


Active Member
get yourself some clone start and rockwool cubes. take your cuttings and trim them down the bottom, pre soak your rockwool in the clone start and lightly shake them out, dip your cutting in the pwder and insert into the rockwool cube, put under humidifying dome and mist 2-4 times a day. within 2 weeks you should have a nice root supply coming out the bottom and sides of the rockwool.

for added root zones scrape along the sides of the bottom of the cutting, just breaking the skin a little and these will develop into root sites also