Myth Buster in Action


Well-Known Member
I don't like MG products for ethical reason. Monsanto, MG's parent company, is an agri-giant with no regards to the cost of life or environment, and has some dubious business practice. Do some reaserch. Just my .02.
no faulting you on this, not a favorite company on this site(or other grow sites)
but here's a slant on it, when you buy this particular product, you're rewarding the good behavior of mass producing an organic product
one could boycott the other Monsanto products(direct and indirect) that have the negative environmental impacts
reward the good, punish the bad


Well-Known Member
no faulting you on this, not a favorite company on this site(or other grow sites)
but here's a slant on it, when you buy this particular product, you're rewarding the good behavior of mass producing an organic product
one could boycott the other Monsanto products(direct and indirect) that have the negative environmental impacts
reward the good, punish the bad
I see where your coming from,but just because they have a small percentage of business in organics, the majority is ingrained in our world food supply and
that's kinda hard to boycott. Im not one to reward criminals because they did something good.

But, I understand the fact it's all some people have access to, and honestly, I have seen some nice plants grown in the stuff, just not for me.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
This is a GOOD thing you're doing!!! Finally put an end to all the bullshit fed to the newbies, and shut the been nowhere, grown nothing, know everything dumbasses up!! (OK, maybe not. But we CAN hope!!)


New Member
ok heres some updates lol 11 days from transplanting a 3" clone gave them 1150 ppm feeding lastnight and they jumped to it :)) sorry for the pics as i got fogger on them girls giving them a lil of enriched humidity, with some superbmax foilage lol there getting big and bushy the MG plants are seriuosly likeing it



New Member
here some more pics lights out venting room to drop high humidity got like 6 plants slowly goin thinking WTF lol pretty much all are getting bigger and i am super cropping every second day now


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Now all MG haters, STFU!!!! proven once and for all it CAN be done. (actually I don't LIKE MG either...LOL)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You are SO MUCH better off making your own. There are no unknown variables. The only thing in it is what you put in it. You wanna play around with soil mixes, try adding some biochar to your next grow. You'll be frigging amazed at the increase in plant vigor and yield.


New Member
You are SO MUCH better off making your own. There are no unknown variables. The only thing in it is what you put in it. You wanna play around with soil mixes, try adding some biochar to your next grow. You'll be frigging amazed at the increase in plant vigor and yield.
my friend i am not like most ppl that grow lol i make over 140 yards of soil hahaha
i add shrimp compost sheep manure, perlite , some peatmoss as well as lil chicken shit and rabbit its a amazing mix :eyesmoke::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Sector 5 Moderator
Damn that is a LOT of soil mix!!! That's like 10 dump truck loads isn't it? I'm stoked for you Doc. Can't wait to see how these girls come out.


New Member
Damn that is a LOT of soil mix!!! That's like 10 dump truck loads isn't it? I'm stoked for you Doc. Can't wait to see how these girls come out.
actually 2 super B trains of soil lol and my mixtures anyways made 72 bubblr gum clones and 60 greatwhite and i am hammered to boot hahaha


Well-Known Member
This is a GOOD thing you're doing!!! Finally put an end to all the bullshit fed to the newbies, and shut the been nowhere, grown nothing, know everything dumbasses up!! (OK, maybe not. But we CAN hope!!)

I did a test, similar to this, about a year ago. I compared MG soil with the time-released nutes, against the 'almighty' Fox Farms Ocean Forest, and ya know what? MG was the winner, not by a huge margin, but the results were pretty clear. The test was done in veg only, so that I could test them before adding any nutrients, using nothing but water, for about 5 weeks, then comparing the results. One thing that I did, I must mention, is that I added perlite to both soils, to equalize drainage. IMO, the only thing wrong with MG soil, is that it can retain too much water, with any pelite added. Corrected for drainge, it works excellent.

The myth that the time-released nutes are harmful, are bullshit, IMO. The problem, is that the drainage sucks, outta the bag. The soil staying too wet for too long, is the culprit, in most cases I've seen, where MG has cause problems.