N. California 2010 Medical Grow - Need some help


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my 2010 Outdoor Grow!

Thanks for checking out my grow. I'm starting off with some details of the grow, some updates, then the problems I am facing.

3 - Blue Dream
3 - White Widow
3 - Sour Diesel
1 - ChemDawg
1 - Trainwreck
1 - Headband

All are clones aquired from Blue-Sky and Harborside in early May. They were transplanted into 1 gallon containers for 3 weeks before going into the ground on May 26th.

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Details on grow

Soil: Flower Power (2 bags per hole mixed with perlite and existing soil)
Water: Tap (pH around 8 so I pH down to 6.5)
Fertilizer: MaxSea 16-16-16
Watering/Feeding Schedule: 10 gallons per plant every 3 days (Fertilize every other watering, 1tbs per gallon)
Sun: 10 hours direct


June 5:
IMG_4128 (1280x853).jpg

June 17:

Cages setup around plants for support. Branches are pulled through the cage.

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July 7:

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I don't have this weeks pictures yet but the plants are looking a bit fuller. I will get them up as soon as I can.

So here is the problem I am having...

I am seeing slow growth on some of the plants. The Sour D is growing the slowest, only about 3 1/2 ft. I am also seeing small holes (rust spots?) on all of the plants. But it's worse on the plants that are growing the slowest. Here are some pics of the holes:


Even worse, on 3 of the plants some of the top leaves are taco-ing (is that a word?) Here is a pic of that:


From the bit of research I have done I am thinking that it is a pH issue. But I want to get everyone's feedback on the problem. Most importantly I want to know what I should/can do to correct it... Please help!

Overall most of the plants look good and I am pretty happy with the grow. But this issue with the leaves seems to be appearing now on the healthiest plants and I want to fix the problem before it gets any worse.

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
i have those brown spots/holes also...I think those are just bugs, not sure which ones...and the taco-ing could be a cal/mg prob...Id give a few mild doses of 5-10ml per gal..and see how that goes...


Well-Known Member
Bugs huh? Anyone have an idea of which ones and how to treat? I have done a pretty thorough inspection of the plants and found no sign of pests...


I have a lot of the same strains. The last picture appears to be ChemDog, right? I have similar problems. I believe it to be heat stress. I'm in NC and mine look the same. I use calMg and a plethora of other nutes, been growing for years, and pretty certain the heat is your prob.


Well-Known Member
Thanks tj, I will look for them. The last pic is actually the Sour D but the Chemdawg looks a lot like that, just not as bad. I thought heat stress too, but we have had a pretty cool summer so far in the Bay Area (Cali). Could it be too much direct sun? They get around 10 hours of direct per day...


It could be direct sun, try shading them with cloth late in the afternoon. I don't know your nutes, but I feed 10ml every other day of Calmg. I made a tea consisting of micro-nutes, Trace Minerals 7 (TM-7) and it has helped pull them through. You don't folliar feed do you? I can feed my GDP every morning but have found those Sativa's don't like it. Like I said before, I've grown for years, but this year expanding with some sativa's and they seem real sensitive too me. Hopefully this helps, if you need anything else just holler. I hope you enjoy my pics. :) I have Blue Cheese, ChemDog, Blue Dream, GDP and headbandCHEMDOG.jpgGrandDaddy.jpgBlueCheese.jpg


Well-Known Member
Picked up some Calmag today and fed them. How often do I need to use the Calmag to recover from a mg deficiency? Every watering?