N-P-K values

Hey any insight on what bloom nutrients to use? I used G.H. flora nova grow for veg with out to much problems with deficiencies. So I'm planning on just using flora nova bloom since veg worked so well for me. But as I'm sure it is to the majority of growers, the content on N-P-K are confusing. How some bloom bottles have crazy high "P" other bloom bottles are pretty close all across as far as numbers go. I have basic knowledge in nutrients, fairly confidant in figuring out deficiencies. And I know the numbers stand for how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are in it. Also know plants like more phosphorus in bloom to make the flowers or fruits. Flora nova is 4-8-7 would something with like a (Ballpark) 0-50-10 be better? can someone shed some light on that for me? Curious if this is the reason why my first two cycles I was only able to get popcorn nugs of all my plants? All though I used a four or five nutrient recipe my first two cycles. Thanks for any insight on this matter in advance.


Well-Known Member
well breed ,light and environment are to be considered when getting thick rock hard nuggs.. co2 will also increase the size and yeild. but yes if your plant can handle the juice without burning it up then you can juice the shit out of them, i have friends that only use a 10-60-10 fertilizer in flower. but he is in soil and its in like a 30 gallon pot. in hydro the nutrients in a 3 part solution are hard to follow up and keep track of the all around end numbers "0-0-0" but i go by ppm's when i grow. i also use the gh line of nutes but i add a kool bloom 0-10-10. and always keep a nitrogen source when flowering.. hope all this jibber jabber helps, but serious if its not broke why screw with it,


Active Member
I use FF's Open seame, Beastly Bud,and Cha-Ching. They are flowering nutes and all have NPK values that are close to what ur talking about. Actually I believe that 0-50-10 is the NPK for the BB. Anyway I have used them with great success. I have also fucked up a few plants when I first started using them. What i do is give the half the recommended dosage for the first two weeks then from the 2nd to the 3rd week i dry the plants out and then come back with the full dose for the remainder of the flowering period. now u want to make sure u give a good flush for about the last two and a half weeks before harvest to get all the nutes out, but other than that, it works great. U just have to really watch ur plants for any kind of burn. If u believe u see it then flush and knock the nute dosage down. Hope this helps. Good Luck and Happy Smoking :bigjoint:


I have read that 1:2:3 is the best ratio for flowering. but i dunno how okes feed their plants so much, one feeding and my soil ph has dropped so much, one pot is on about 5.5, really annoying -_-
Wow. Thank you all for your responses. All very valuable I'm thinking. It's obvious to stay gentle and start slow. Which was my general idea anyhow. I just was looking for advice on what a good ratio is. So I think the 1-3-2 is what I was looking for. And I'll check out the other threads tomorrow when I wake. Thanks again.
So I checked out the first 25 pages of the snake oil thread til they started getting in pissing contests. Lol. Seems like a good idea to keep your pant healthy throughout harvest. I don't know if I'm right to compare but for trees and other vegetables, basically and bearing plant, you don't see em dropping leaves when their product of said plant starts to grow. So it makes sense to keep up the nitrogen and keep those leaves green through harvest. Plus I think I've seen more pictures in forums of great big frosty buds with still dark green healthy leaves on em. Don't get me wrong I've seen some pretty big buds here to with pants with next to dead fan leaves as well. But majority they are happy healthy fan leaves. Thanks again for pointing that thread out.


Active Member
So I checked out the first 25 pages of the snake oil thread til they started getting in pissing contests. Lol. Seems like a good idea to keep your pant healthy throughout harvest. I don't know if I'm right to compare but for trees and other vegetables, basically and bearing plant, you don't see em dropping leaves when their product of said plant starts to grow. So it makes sense to keep up the nitrogen and keep those leaves green through harvest. Plus I think I've seen more pictures in forums of great big frosty buds with still dark green healthy leaves on em. Don't get me wrong I've seen some pretty big buds here to with pants with next to dead fan leaves as well. But majority they are happy healthy fan leaves. Thanks again for pointing that thread out.
Right on good for you. You are on you way to becoming a much better grower. Yes you are right to compare weed to vegis. In fact growing weed is just like growing your tomatoes.Scientifically they are both c-3 plants. Can do a google on that.In fact I recommend getting some tomatoes growing in the back yard. Do the same thing and you will have great success. In general more leaves = more buds. Leaves produce bud not light. Most the time these people are using these bud candys and crap that dont have enough N in flower. Hence the questions following about why are my leaves yellow. Keep a good amount of N in flower. Dont be afraid to use your 3-1-2 veg nutes while flowering to keep em green. I have even used a 1-1-1 through out with great result. Ex Jacks Classic is a 20-20-20. You are on the right track. Keep reading and doing more research. Check out more of UB's thread they have a lot of great information. Remember less is more for this plant. Its just a weed. Hope it helps. Good luck