N-P-K. What are they and what do they do?


Well-Known Member
First off I do not take credit for this information. It is from a magazine i have. I thought it would be informative to those who are curious.

Nitrogen is essetial for plant growth. It is a part of every living cell. The two forms of nitrogen a plant can take up are in the ammonia(NH4) and nitrate (NO3) ion forms. Most agronomic crops take up nitrogen in the NO3 ion form. Plants will utilize nitrogen in the NH4 ion form if it is present and available to plants.
Lack of nitrogen and chlorophyll means that plants cannot use sunlight as an energy source to carry on essential functions such as nutrient uptake. Nitrogen is necessary for chlorophyll synthesis and as a part of the chlorophyll molecule it is used for photosynthesis. Nitrogen is also a component of amino acids. Overall nitrogen is essential to plant growth.

Phophate is a very important plant nutrient (macro-nutrient) needed for the plant to complete its normal production cycle. The highest level of phosphate in young plants is found in the tissue at the growing stage. As plants mature most of the phosphate moves to the flower, then to the seeds of fruit.
(P) is needed for photosynthesis. It is necessary for plant respiration. It is essential for energy storage and transfer. It is used for cell division and enlargment.

An important function of P is its influence in effeciant water use. It helps in the process of opening and closing plant pores called stomata. Potash is found in the cell wall surrounding the stomata. High amounts of P can incrrease stress on plants in drought conditions.
P is essential for protein synthesis. It plays an important role in the breakdown of carbohydrates, providing energy for plants. P helps control ionic balance. It is important in the translocation of minerals. Potassium also provides the plant with an immune system, helping it recover from diseases. It is also essential for the formation of fruits and flowers. P helps improve the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. P also triggers the release of over 60 different enzymes that control normal plant function.