N problems?


I have been trying for YEARS to grow, with little luck.

I finally got some success I thought having 7- 5 gallon pots and they they really started to grow. pics attached..

However I have only gave them nutes twice as I have had problems in the past. Thats what mother nature gives them..

I have 5 year old general hydoponics nutes .. flora micro, flora grow, flora bloom. They say it will work with soil also. I wonder if they have lost their potency after 5 years? Is this lacking N>? Should I give them some more of the flora micro which is 5-0-1?

No ph testers around here I can buy that work and cant afford a 50$ one right now. I have a cheap PH pool tester I suppose I could use for the run off?

8 years of trying in 3 states , maybe got 4 plants to grow. VERY difficult for me to grow this weed...leave it alone and give it what mother nature does, it dies, give it nutes(small amount) they die...this is all I have for nutes .......might be cheaper just to buy I am always thinking....

Thx for any help



regular ol store soil bought w/o time released ferts!

I made that mistake last year...

I have not givin it hardly any nutes like I said so I am hoping its a Nitrogen



I cant afford a 50 buck ph tester right now. Have to use the cheap wal mart pool one with the red solution for now. I added some flora micro.. see what happens. guess I wont use the flora gro or bloom yet, even though they say to on the bottle..

If you have to spend 100's and 100's of $$ on soil and testers etc.. its almost cheaper to buy in bulk or just take meds like so many do.....

After 8 years of nothing and and wasting tons of cash , finding you have to be a expert to get results..most diffulcult plant I have ever seen to grow... Roses, everything else ..grows! Not this...


Its cheaper to buy it in bulk Im always thinking. If you have to have 500$ worth of primo soil, 100$ of testing equipment, might as well buy a pound and save myself the frustration.. cheaper almost...


Well-Known Member
Well you certainly are lacking N in the mix right now and in general just look under fed. Buy fresh nutes whatever you can afford if money is an issue. Fish emulsion and seaweed extract will give you a nice little boost and not hot enough to burn your hungry plants when they get to drink up the goodness. Manure teas will help if you have access to a local farm, cow is good doesn't burn easy to work with, horse is great, it will burn when used fresh and too much.
If nothing else and I cringe to say it, if money is a big issue just get some Peters of something to bring your girls back and feed your girls a decent diet.
Good Luck with them


Well-Known Member
Your right about that its just not worth it some times:lol:My last 3 grow were useless. So I gave up on dirt and going to go back to rock wool cause it Rocks8-)


Well-Known Member
lol...soil is harder for some...o and ghetto: i foiund that the browning of my leaves was because of the bottle i used to squirt my seedlings, well it was an old simple green cleaning bottle, and it had a little minty smell...well it got on my other plants leaves, and the water droplets dried, and somethin was still in the water from the cleanin solution. and why were your last 3 grows useless?


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you aren't adjusting your water, or fert mix, before using them? That's gonna cause problems, eventually. You should consider top-dressing your pots with some lime, and maybe even adding a bit more soil to the pots, while you're at it, aside from the feeding. Also, it's time for some grow fert, as mentioned, because they are lacking nitrogen, and possibly others, whether it's starting to show, or not. Sorry, time for work, gotta run.....lol