N00B questions about SOG Hydro


Hello everyone! This is my first post, though I have been reading the forums for a bit now.

My wife and I are both medical users out here in the Wild Wild West. I'm going to be setting up a small op, either cabinet, small closet, or hopefully both.

I have done a few small closet grows before (1-5 plants) several years ago using soil. They all turned out to be very good quality, but not very high yielding. I have also known several growers and seen some of their ops.

This will be my first time going hydro, and I'm trying to figure out how to maximize yield out of such a confined space. I'm looking into SOG and other perpetual harvest type methods. Here's what I would like to know:

If you have a bubbleponics setup with 6 pots, and the light is set to 12/12 flower, would it be possible to add a new plant to the bubbleponics setup every ten days or so, in order to be harvesting every ten days or so? I wasn't sure if the new plants being added to the system would need different nutes than the plants that have already been flowering for 30 days or more.

I plan on posting more soon regarding my grow-room design and then eventually do a journal. Still in the planning stages currently.

I just gotta say I love what you folks are doing here with this forum. Things have come a long way since I took my first toke in '94. Lets keep working to legalize it!

Any thoughts or feedback is definitely appreciated.


Active Member
For something like that you'd need space for cloning and veg... But it's possible lots of ppl have perpetual grows idk how you'd go about flushing theres plenty of ppl who do exactly what your wanting... You gonna have one mother or you wanting to do diff strains? Depending on your strain some flower for 8 weeks some flower for over 11 weeks...


Yes, the plan would be to have at least one mother, plus clones and veg, all separate from the flower chamber of course. I just wanted to make sure I that it would be ok to have 6 plants in the same flowering reservoir even though some might have been flowering longer than others.


I plan on going all one strain until I know what I am doing, then I might try different strains once I have got the hang of it. Also, when you refer to flushing, I assume you mean in between veg and flower cycles. What is the purpose of this and how long should I flush? I assume that it must be to rinse of any old nutes so they don't interfere with the new nutes? One grower on here mentioned that he basically goes from clone to veg, as it will take some time to stop growing and start flowering.


Well-Known Member
the problem i see in wanting to a perpetual grow is light getting to the smaller ones you start after you have these big ones taking up the whole place. I think the best way to do it is to harvest all 6 at once then start again. plants later in the flowering stage want stronger nutes so adding new clones also poses a problem with that. And flushing is giving the plants clean water for the last week and half to two weeks to remove the nutrient taste from the smoked bud


Well-Known Member
the problem i see in wanting to a perpetual grow is light getting to the smaller ones you start after you have these big ones taking up the whole place. I think the best way to do it is to harvest all 6 at once then start again. plants later in the flowering stage want stronger nutes so adding new clones also poses a problem with that. And flushing is giving the plants clean water for the last week and half to two weeks to remove the nutrient taste from the smoked bud
I agree. What he said.


Active Member
Most of the ppl that do that only veg for a month or so but I like the bigger plants so once I get mine all bout the same height I hit em with the 12 darkness and let nature do it's thing...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the likes guys. Any questions u have ask away. I have done a lot of bubbleponics or DWC. Im actually getting another room started today with a 17 site dwc table. i know 17's a weird number but thats how it worked out and it also lets me get 16 strong clones vegged removing one weak one. 16 making a perfect square makes sense for my grow area