Name God's Chicken!



On a sad note, that ChickenLicken add with Big Jo going to discover Europe has been banned over here.
I thought it was one of the best adds of the year,
Verkramptes - definition of verkramptes by The Free Dictionary

(during apartheid) an Afrikaner Nationalist who opposed any changes toward liberal trends in government policy, esp relating to racial questions.... This was the man who had caused more suffering among the South African people than almost any of the verkramptes (extremists, literally ...

verkrampte | Definition of verkrampte in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Definition of verkrampte - conservative or reactionary, especially as regards apartheid.
I suspect that this is a case of convergent evolution. The Dutch or Afrikaans is derived from the term Krampf or cramp. The Yiddish comes from the German Klemme, which has two meanings - a jam or a bind, or (as in woodworking) a clamp.

Some philologists favor the Out of Asia theory for this pair of terms being cognate. The leading hypothesis involves the thirteenth century and a high-born Jew who was kidnapped by Chinese at a very young age, requiring him to learn Yiddish at a much later age. Soon after being repatriated and eating a big plate of proper Yiddish cooking under the eyes of his beaming clan, he is reported to have grabbed his midsection and complained
"I got the clamps so bad!"
I was wondering about what to call God's chicken. I cooked this steak, whose silhouette reminds me of a somewhat plumper version of this thread's eponymous young bird.
But "Steak" is not a very good name for a chicken, but I named this steak "God's chicken" in honor of the young lady.

So while I didn't name God's chicken, I named something God's chicken.
