name my deficiency please

how much are you watering whats the temp in your climate
Once to twice a day I water them if the top soil is dry within half an inch of the topsoil. My room stays consistent 82 degrees. I believe I am over nuting it.. I'm afraid I will end up digging a hole in the woods and leaving her there until after August... any opinions anyone?
I'll post a current pic now


Well-Known Member
Your watering 6x too much that is the main problem which would result in over feeding as well. Typical watering on a healthy plant is once every 3 days or so, a little longer if the plant is distressed as yours is. Find a pot the same size as the one your plant is in and fill it with your DRY(no water) soil mix. Lift the pot and then lift your watered pots. Don't water your plant until it is as light by weight as the DRY soil pot. You can also double check with a cheap water/light/ph gauge. I don't use the ph or light part of it but always double check my pot when I think its light enough to water. Some times I guess wrong by a 1/2 day or so early when to water so the gauge is nice as a double check. If you can't do that, then yes put it outside it'll have a much better chance..
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