'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

I wonder if they know how childish the brandon thing is. Just say the things you want to say. It's still america.

I guess what they're for is being chicken shit cowards that are too big of a pussy to put a "fuck joe biden" sticker on their car.

Buncha fake christians thinking they're skirting the rules or something.
Massive military spending. Immigration control. For profit prisons.
That last is a stain upon the Republic. I was shocked to see Japan plans on private prisons as well.

That Man needs to be pitched into a privately- owned prison on the lowest available plan. He might start losing weight!
I wonder if they know how childish the brandon thing is. Just say the things you want to say. It's still america.

I guess what they're for is being chicken shit cowards that are too big of a pussy to put a "fuck joe biden" sticker on their car.

Buncha fake christians thinking they're skirting the rules or something.

a childish dog whistle that no one knows what it means but them..they're so smart and fooling us. shhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Gun rights with minimal restrictions.
Who the fuck really gives a shit about guns & the 2nd Amendment which in the 21st century is only good for murder.
Mostly freaks in my opinion.
Killing deer?
Give me a break
AR-15/AK's for hunting?
Yea, hunting humans, that's about it.
I know 2 guy's that have assault rifles & they are both fucked in the head & everyone that owns one is fucked in the head, some just a little & others a lot.
They should still be banned.
Fuck the 2nd
Who the fuck really gives a shit about guns & the 2nd Amendment which in the 21st century is only good for murder.
Mostly freaks in my opinion.
Killing deer?
Give me a break
AR-15/AK's for hunting?
Yea, hunting humans, that's about it.
I know 2 guy's that have assault rifles & they are both fucked in the head & everyone that owns one is fucked in the head, some just a little & others a lot.
They should still be banned.
Fuck the 2nd
Do you live in a city or suburb?
Do you live in a city or suburb?
I live in a town.
My point is that most people favor more restrictions on those things that kill thousands & thousands of people each year.
There were 20,726 gun deaths in 2021 (excluding suicides), according to The Trace, a nonprofit newsroom that tracks gun violence. That was a slight increase over the total in 2020 and a continuation of the trend of rising gun deaths that accelerated during the pandemic. Two-thirds of major U.S. cities saw an increase in homicides in 2021.
My solution is that if you want an AR, you pay let's say a $500 tax.
Caught with an illegal weapon, in the commission of a crime or not, 5 years mandatory.
It's a win/win/win/.
The assholes get their AR's, increase in tax revenues & criminals off the streets.
Perfect, right?
Oh, and yea I do own guns & used to hunt.
Actually, was a member of the NRA until that asshole La Pierre took over
He ruined it, for me at least.
Suppressing Minority Votes.
White Supremacy
Suppressing Science
More Pollution
Not holding Polluters Accountable
Climate Change Denial
Poverty must solve itself.