'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

Yeah but his figures imply $123 trillion available, so I’m fascinated by where he found these numbers. Clearly social media isn’t the source, since even folks prone to forget the correct order of “breathe in” and “breathe out” know that to be unreliable.
So I remain curious.

he did some cyphering and it's as good as his spelling. end of story.

i'm more interested in the person from France who sent the Insurrectionist Bitcoin once the Coup started and then again as it was going which amounted to several hundred thousand US.

I'm not sure, but I think the tides may be changing on that in 2022. Trump is about to be dumped out the back door. If Republicans were smart, they'd find a young good looking traditional conservative who is able to focus on something other than racist rhetoric.

I doubt he will be “dumped” as there are too many voters that would like to see him have a roll in it or lead it. I agree it would be wise to inject a different person or a few persons that arnt Trump, Cruz, or especially McConnell into the Republican lime Light. I hope someone under 50 gets a shot, as younger elected Republicans have come around on cannabis legislation (Nancy Mace as an example.) I’m still of the mind Trump may have made federal changes in his second term.

Trump was his own worst enemy and the damage is done, and an election cycle’s media coverage would be extremely challenging. I think he’d lose and he may now be aware of that. His ego got the best of him.

I’m curious to see the results of the mid terms, and wonder if Biden will in fact run for re-election. If the republicans put up someone palatable, it’s their election to lose
I doubt he will be “dumped” as there are too many voters that would like to see him have a roll in it or lead it. I agree it would be wise to inject a different person or a few persons that arnt Trump, Cruz, or especially McConnell into the Republican lime Light. I hope someone under 50 gets a shot, as younger elected Republicans have come around on cannabis legislation (Nancy Mace as an example.) I’m still of the mind Trump may have made federal changes in his second term.

Trump was his own worst enemy and the damage is done, and an election cycle’s media coverage would be extremely challenging. I think he’d lose and he may now be aware of that. His ego got the best of him.

I’m curious to see the results of the mid terms, and wonder if Biden will in fact run for re-election. If the republicans put up someone palatable, it’s their election to lose
Or any Repugs. Anyone who threw in with that man is to be thrown out for probably supporting sedition.
I doubt he will be “dumped” as there are too many voters that would like to see him have a roll in it or lead it. I agree it would be wise to inject a different person or a few persons that arnt Trump, Cruz, or especially McConnell into the Republican lime Light. I hope someone under 50 gets a shot, as younger elected Republicans have come around on cannabis legislation (Nancy Mace as an example.) I’m still of the mind Trump may have made federal changes in his second term.

Trump was his own worst enemy and the damage is done, and an election cycle’s media coverage would be extremely challenging. I think he’d lose and he may now be aware of that. His ego got the best of him.

I’m curious to see the results of the mid terms, and wonder if Biden will in fact run for re-election. If the republicans put up someone palatable, it’s their election to lose

shouldn't you vote for the person that shows progress? Biden's got a lot done so far. The coveted Infrastructure Bill was done. He can't help Manchin is a dick and Sinema's psychotic 40 and fatty.
Republicans are for the lolz

Here's a house I drove past in Montpelier, OH yesterday
View attachment 5078027

What kind of idiot would put something like that in their front yard?

A republican lol
Yup. Welcome to my world.

On an unrelated note... the wife made a rare trip to Walmer this weekend. She noticed a large section In the dairy fridges that had literally been stripped clean of every available product. Having never seen a section stripped so bare and thinking it might be some new hoarding situation, she investigated.

It was just the shredded cheese section. It's NFL playoff time in Ohio.
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