name that plant!


Hi All,

Need some help here. Can someone confirm the plant in the following pictures are either northern lights or ice. Can anyone tell me the physical difference between northern lights and ice?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, Ice should had quite a bit more of a white 'sugar coated' color to the buds and upper fan leaves, due to the loads of trichs. Looks like you have/had a bit of an N overdose, at some point, which could make the Ice a little less "white", and more difficult to identify. Time will tell.

I actually have Ice growing right now, but they're only a little over a week old, so I can't be really specific, not yet. I can say that I just got done growing Crystal, which is related, and it was REALLY easy to identify from the other strains. It was white, literally covered in trichs. Quite impressive, which is why I went with Ice, this time around.

In pic #2, I can say with some certainty, that it's not Ice. The other pics are too difficult to say.