Name the lizard


Active Member
I have tons of them, ya gotta love 'em they eat all kinds of nasty critters, definate benefit. I also have some other guardians of the kind: praying mantises, ladybugs and a yellow hornet species who attacks and kills any large insects that come near the ladies to cause them harm. The more you grow, the more you find symbiotic species who help your ladies, not hinder them. Here in the SW, we have a lot of ants, nasty little critters too, the bite stings for days and they patrol and protect the plants, cleaning them of gnats, aphids and mayflies. Gotta love them...


Well-Known Member
Man that looks like a newborn Tokay Gecko. Those aren't native to America. they are sold in pet stores. I have one. They get huge. I'd keep it if I were you. They are beautiful. Google it. You'll see what it looks like as an adult. They are bad ass. Mean though.
Both colored = UNDERSTATEMENTS. Mean.. ya think? :lol: Thank God they're not Komodo-size. Holy shit, can you imagine that bark they make, Komodo-size? They are beautiful, though.


Well-Known Member
LOVE the welding gloves. :lol: (Best thing to use, no fun getting nipped. Geckos aren't always all mellow and nice.)


Well-Known Member
Oh NUH UH you did not just say that. :|
Yeah, she was about 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. She was flowering and she was in a 5 gallon bucket. They just picked it up and took the bucket and all. I'm 100% certain that its just a few houses away growing in someone else's backyard. I looked around as much as I could... but was unable to spot it. Well at least they can't touch my indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
damn that blows. but hey its not that bad, they only got one.
that just lets you know to be more aware of whose around.
people should just grow their own, fuckin thieves.