Name this deficiency...... just over 3 weeks old CAL MAG??


Active Member
Ok so here it is..... my 2nd "real" indoor grow and though its going better then the 1st grow i am still showing some deficiency. The plants are 3 weeks old from sprouted seeds and the one i have pictured is Ice Cream but i have purple rain and some randoms as well all showing the same deficiency. I am growing it FFOF with Perilite added at about 3:1 so 3/4s FFOF and 1/4 Perilite. I use tap water and this grow i invested in a PPM meter and found my tap water to be 30 to 50 PPM so i been adding CAL/MAG and i believe thats why this grow has started off so much better then my last. Now last couple waterings have been straight tap (always PHed to 6.5 - 6.8) because i am not sure i should use the cal mag every single time i water or not maybe someone can clarify? Plants are in a 3' x 3' tent with humidity around 60% and temps just under 80 degrees. Light is a 400 watt HPS vented hood and other then cal mag i have never added any nutes. Plant are in 5 gallon pots cut down to approx 3 gallons. I stopped the cal mag in fear that too much of it may be locking out Phospherous or something else so any advice on which way i should go from here would be great, Now here are some pics......



Well-Known Member
Try zinc.. put some galvanized nails in the soil. Maybe be pH inbalance or lock out causing it.


Active Member
I did add a bit off Dolomitic lime and watered it in about a week ago to help with PH..... a table spoon per plant roughly. I am not sure how long it takes to start working and don't want to cause any lockouts (if i don't already have one) so maybe zinc hey?


New Member
I really think your ppm's reading is wrong, it should be more like 3-500 ppm's. tap water has plenty of cal-mag, so you don't need to add that. cal mag is also usually 2% nitrogen. you have a nute burn or nute deficiency. i would get a good complete nute like dyna-gro or jack's classic and give it the other 15 nutrients it needs.


Active Member
Yes some red stems as well, i was thinking possible nute burn as well since FFOF is pretty hot to begin with. My Tap water is super clean where i live and i believe the 30 -50 ppm reading to be accurate.
Doesn't the FFOF soil provide a ll the other "15 nutes"??


Active Member
Yes some red stems as well, i was thinking possible nute burn as well since FFOF is pretty hot to begin with. My Tap water is super clean where i live and i believe the 30 -50 ppm reading to be accurate.
Doesn't the FFOF soil provide a ll the other "15 nutes"??
i know nothing about ffof dude so i really shouldnt advise you but heres a chart i swear by

and you will be able to use it better than any1 coz you know everything you ve done and used ,but when i follow it ,looking at ur plants i end up at no 6

6) Tips of leaves are yellow, brown, or dead. Plant otherwise looks healthy & green. Stems may be soft >> Over-fertilization (especially N), over-watering, damaged roots, or insufficient soil aeration (use more sand or perlite. Occasionally due to not enough N, P, or K. b) If not, go to #7.

this is prolly because the ffof has lots of nutes in to start with for small plants and tap water has Nitrogen in it and so does cal mag if im not mistaken , so if they were my girls i would say over fert of N.

IM NO EXPERT BY ANY MEANS !! im just a guy tryin to get by lol

out of interest , are your roots ok m8 .....:peace:....good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Make sure you don't over water. Let the soil dry out enough where the pots feel light. (you get a feel for this after awhile) Then a "complete" nute. & PH'd water. Under is always better than over when it comes to nutes. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Yes some red stems as well, i was thinking possible nute burn as well since FFOF is pretty hot to begin with. My Tap water is super clean where i live and i believe the 30 -50 ppm reading to be accurate.
Doesn't the FFOF soil provide a ll the other "15 nutes"??

It Could Def be from the ocean forest soil my girl did the same thing in the beginning. if you put it straight into ur pot as a seedling that would be my guess but not 1000 % percent


Active Member
Ok good info guys thanks i thought it was from over fert as well from the soil being hot and yes they have been in FFOF since day one. I was gonna just let them go assuming iit was over fert but wanted to check with others before i ruined them or something lol
i will keep you all updated. :)


Well-Known Member
I did add a bit off Dolomitic lime and watered it in about a week ago to help with PH..... a table spoon per plant roughly. I am not sure how long it takes to start working and don't want to cause any lockouts (if i don't already have one) so maybe zinc hey?
Well, your mind is in the right place, but your amounts aren't. Use 1-2 tbl of the dolomite lime/gallon of mix. EG:3 gal container, 3-6 tbls of dolo. I use the 2tbl/gallon amount.

Takes at least a couple of weeks when top dressed, so don't get impatient.

Besides the pH, my tap is also under 50ppm and the dolo takes care of cal mag issues. You may need to do a shot of epsom salts though, the mag in the dolo is slower to release than the Ca.


jessy koons

New Member
The small brown spots in picture #1 are Ca deficiency and the white spotting/striping looks suspiciously like a virus. Viruses are very common in plants. They often show up as irregular patches or blotches or stripes and are usually a white or yellow color. They are most likley to show themselves on stressed areas of the plant. There is nothing you can or need to do about it. They usually disappear as the plant becomes more relaxed.


Active Member
I was wondering about the spots glad it got brought up..... i will add a bit more lime and then let it do its thing and that should fix the cal def i assume. i do have my container of epsom salt ready as well and will keep that in mind wet, thanks. In the future i will add 1-2 tbls of dol lime to my soil mix before planting. Would it be a good idea to mix it in the soil a couple weeks before hand so that it will be "kicking in" right around when i plant into the soil?


Active Member
Thanks bro. :joint:
Whether people think they need this or not trust me...right WILL save you a lot of head aches later on down the road.


Active Member
My main problem has been pH. Too acidic. My plant resembled yours when it was being locked out. I use pH up in my water now to keep my soil around 6.5. A simple solution.


Active Member
I have had that chart saved for a while now its been handy. I beleive my soil ph was a bit low and thats why i added the lime..... things are improving so i am going to let them grow for a bit and keep an eye on them :)