Nana Scale Technology


Well-Known Member
Nano Encapsulated nutrients is an emerging technology. Basically it makes the nutrient more easly absorbed by the plant.
All i have been able to find is FULLON by Grow Switch and 13 Essentials.
Does anyone have any experience with them or know of others i should look for?


Well-Known Member
nano particles don't act like their larger counter parts so something like nano-calcium may act totally different than regular calcium. Micronized isn't nano, nano changes the physical properties. class dismissed my head hurts.


Well-Known Member
nano changes the physical properties so nano-calcium will act differently that regular calcium, micronized isn't nano.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm intresting i would think calcium is calcium. Just because it is nanoencapsulated i wouldnt think it changes the way a plant uses it. Im probably wrong but i would love to read abought it. Im a nerd like that lol. Do you have a link to share?