evaluate the soil from the cameras
Foscam Viewer is the APP for Android for the camera's we have been talking about. IT allows you to view it (internet if you wish to go that route but as the person above mentioned risky) or if you are connected to the same network, view the camera's directly without VPN into your PC. You are limited what you can do on the APP and may still want to log into using a browser.I heard of a program on the I pad that connects to wireless cameras in your grow room so you can observe your garden on the go. Gonna try and find the name.
They have an app for iOS/iPhones as well, on the iPad, a PC or Mac you just use your browser. The issue with having it available on your phone is you have to have your firewall open to allow the connection. The safer (but more complicated) setup is to create a VPN connection from your phone/tablet/pc into your network if your router/firewall has the option for VPN's. Then you just connect to the VPN (encrypted) and connect to your camera on the inside IP address, typically 192.168.1.xx with xx being the IP you assigned to the camera. In any of these scenarios if you have a dynamic IP on your internet connection you'll have to use a DDNS service to be able to find your current IP and connect to the VPN or directly to the camera.Foscam Viewer is the APP for Android for the camera's we have been talking about. IT allows you to view it (internet if you wish to go that route but as the person above mentioned risky) or if you are connected to the same network, view the camera's directly without VPN into your PC. You are limited what you can do on the APP and may still want to log into using a browser.