"Nanny State" Origins...


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Why is it, that in days of old, Hippies proclaimed…”if it feels good, do it”…..[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And yet, today it appears that the vanguard of the “Nanny Staters “ is largely comprised of that generation?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mike Bloomberg is the zaniest major politician in this misguided quest to deprive Americans of even more freedom. It is too funny.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This is disjointed because I am currently testing the strength of a fresh batch of canna butter….yikes![/FONT]




Well-Known Member
Nice ass Wavels,,,

how much canna butter does it take to get it to spread,,,,,,

double wide,,,,Have a happy,,,,i mean,,,,, Have a Hempy New year



New Member
Resin ...

That ass is the result of The Great American High Fructose Corn Syrup
Conspiricy. Well, either that, or its just a picture of a normal Oregon woman.


PS: Wavels ... its gonna be a canna-cookie for me tonight ... and football games. Happy New Year you guys.


Well-Known Member

Stop looking at my ass! hahahah
Corn Syrup Conspiracy......? There is some truth to that.....hehehe, that ass brings new meaning to the term conspicuous consumption!!!

The point of this thread is simply that it seems to me that I remember the Hippy movement being full of resentment at the previous generations for being so "controlling" of society....too many rules, man!

Now look at what some of these guys are doing.....no smoking in one's own home? No trans fats in NYC...so on and so forth.....
I think these guys quit smoking ganja to ill effect!!!
They need to eat some canna cookies!
