Narnia grow, Round 2!


Well-Known Member
Alright, sorry for taking so long with posting. We've been passing around sickness, so energy levels have been low. I haven't let that stop me from taking care of the girls, though. Learned our lesson in regards to neglect a few times. I plan on doing my best not to let it happen again.

So, to recap. Had to pull purple #1 last week, which made more space in the flower box. We're in the middle of week 5 for everyone except for Critical + which is at 3 weeks.

No individual shots this week, but a few bud shots ;)

You can't see it, but Afghooey-A is in the far left corner. The giant CFL is blocing the view

Here's a shot of the top cola, as of Saturday night

Here's one from earlier today

Here's a shot from today of the canopy. Notice how Afghooey A is taller then everyone else
Not sure if you can see it, but we did suffer from some burning as I predicted, but it was for a completely different reason then I thought (and really, Orange Bud was the only one affected). It turns out that when I dosed with Koolbloom, I added 1 teaspoon, rather then the 1/4 teaspoon.


That might also have something to do with Purple #1 going hermaphroditic.

This was remedied with a flush friday morning and a regular fert saturday morning.

And for those flowering clones LSD and POG -

All in all, things are looking good.

Oh, almost forgot about this one

Obviously I can't smell or touch those, but based purely on the photos, I really have my eye on this one. Beautiful. I can only hope my bud comes out that good.


Active Member
Obviously I can't smell or touch those, but based purely on the photos, I really have my eye on this one. Beautiful.
Yeah, that afghooey is definitely a special one. A is definitely the better pheno of the 2. They both taste about the same, and have the same effect, but A has better resin production and it looks like it may have a greater yield judging by the current state of things.

I can only hope my bud comes out that good.
Odd, because this something I would expect me, and others, to say to you instead

On another note - Everything I spot pollinated is pushing seeds out. Success!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that afghooey is definitely a special one. A is definitely the better pheno of the 2. They both taste about the same, and have the same effect, but A has better resin production and it looks like it may have a greater yield judging by the current state of things.

Odd, because this something I would expect me, and others, to say to you instead

On another note - Everything I spot pollinated is pushing seeds out. Success!
Oh yeah, seed breeder. That's nice. I know a guy who messed with that stuff too. He moved out of state, unfortunately.

Nah, my shit just grows like crazy, but that doesn't necessarily mean my shit is the best. I know too much about marijuana to think so.


Active Member
You are doing better with your camera then I have been doing with mine.

I will take Brainy out for a single shot for you when her time comes....but thought I would share what I have. I like the way she has filled in.

On the right is Brain's Escape at 8 weeks...mostly clear trichomes still (double cola). On the left is Afghooey at 5 1/2 weeks. Sorry for the quality of the pics.

Here is Jack Herer at 5 1/2 weeks. Stout, big fat leaves and dark green, she really looks like an indica but will bloom longer. She should have a nice yield :-)



Active Member
Your BE is very pretty. I'm not getting that effect with her, though. It's looking a lot like she did last time with the multiple tops. I'll have to try to leave the next few alone to get some of that main cola action. Your afghooey is looking very nice too! Looks like we might just harvest ours around the same time as you!

I see what you mean about Jack. She's nowhere near done! That popcorn on the bottom looks like it should fill out decently, though. And that top cola on her looks like it's going to be huge!

I peeked in to look at trichomes a few days ago. Brains Escape is mostly cloudy, so we did one last fertilization on her. Also picked up some GH finishing/flushing solution. I really didn't like having to flush a gallon of water in every plant every day. So hopefully this will help with that.

We're also just past 6 weeks. Everyone received another fertilization (this time, with the proper amount of koolbloom). BE is now lime, when she used to be almost as dark as MTF. there's some burning on Orange Bud, spotted burning on MTF, and a few other spots here and there on the other girls. They're all far enough away from the light, and ventilation is good. I think it's just the earlier burn really starting to show itself.


Well-Known Member
You are doing better with your camera then I have been doing with mine.

I will take Brainy out for a single shot for you when her time comes....but thought I would share what I have. I like the way she has filled in.

On the right is Brain's Escape at 8 weeks...mostly clear trichomes still (double cola). On the left is Afghooey at 5 1/2 weeks. Sorry for the quality of the pics.

Here is Jack Herer at 5 1/2 weeks. Stout, big fat leaves and dark green, she really looks like an indica but will bloom longer. She should have a nice yield :-)
Excellent! Rep, rep!


Active Member
Jack is pretty exciting. All those bottom buds were left because she is so very stout! Her branches are really thick and strong and I think she will fill out the bottom stuff more then most. She is so vibrant and dark! She didn't stretch much at all during bud so far. I usually allow for doubling in height, but I will have to start the next one that is in veg taller than this one so we can get a more ideal finishing height.

I don't seem to be having any yellowing or burns, just sticking with Technaflora and molasses right now...if it ain't broke ;-)

I am running the heater full time already and dread when it gets colder, maybe it will hold off a bit? Pretty ideal right now...staying between 75 and 80 with exhaust fans running whenever the room is over 75. Got to keep that air flowing!

Give me a head's up when you think you may have an opening.... I will start you a Jack, she is a lot of fun.:weed:


Active Member
Well, most of the plants I have in flower are 8ish week finishers, so I should have a bunch of space opening up real soon. We've got 3 that are pretty much ready to go in (after a transplant to larger pots). We just moved BuKu, MTF, and the purple bagseed up to the next size pots (gallon), and Afghooey-S, Pez, Big Band, & Johnny up to the smaller plastic pots that were freed up.

With our veg time taking so long, I'm sure we can fit something in if you need to get rid of anything.

As a side note - Pez really IS a hungry girl. I've been struggling with her the entire time I've had her. The day after being transplanted into the Dr. Earth's POTting soil is when she really came back around to looking good. I know you said she was a hungry plant, but dang.


Active Member
Nice thing about pez though...she recovers fast. One day you look at her and she is going yellow and screaming to eat......feed her good a couple times back to back and you can't tell there was ever an issue.

She gets a bit leggy, and gives you a big round bud at each site but doesn't fill in the stem. Her yield isn't great, but she is a frosty beauty just the same...she makes up for it in a big way with her finished product...a real hard hitter :-)


Active Member
Allright folks, picture update time.



Orange Bud

Brains Escape


New York City Diesel

Matanuska Thunderfuck


Cali Orange

And seed formation updates

Brains Escape is currently producing the most seeds, most of the others have at least a few in each.
It may not be a huge breeding project, but who knows. We could come up with a real winner this way :D

That's it for now folks!


Active Member
Very very nice!! That Critical + is especially plump .......looks like you are going to have a really sweet harvest :-)


Active Member
Very very nice!! That Critical + is especially plump .......looks like you are going to have a really sweet harvest :-)
The best part about her is that she's only 4 weeks or so into flower... I might have to rethink my growing strategy, looking at her!

Great photo quality! And the buds aren't bad, either. :D
Normally I'll keep taking pictures until I'm happy with them. the shot of NYCD isn't the best... I obviously didn't look at it good enough before I decided I was happy with it


Active Member
Look what I just found!



Active Member
Thanks mate. I'm just glad that I can take decent pictures with this shitty kodak easyshare. I don't have high def pictures like some people do, but they're better then most. The pictures that are on my hard drive are a much higher resolution, and because I use a 42inch television as a monitor, I can get zoomed in reeeeaaaallll nice like. ;)


Active Member
Midweek bud porn!

Afghooey-A main cola

Brains Escape - Had to prop her branches up. It was starting to get dangerous!

NYCD bud

And another NYCD bud
