Nasa creates buzz with 'alien' announcement


Well-Known Member
i thought the find is totally gay nasa noobs no wonder amercia is screwed

how lame we found a micro organizim in california wooo not
how is it gay? I think its totally awesome, yeah microbes on another planet would be better.. but this is still very cool..

nasa noobs??? lol who is better than nasa at what nasa does??

I would have said lazy nasa pricks.. those microbes arent in the atmosphere or space, quit dicking around at some lake and get your asses into space..


Well-Known Member
I’ve mentioned that psilocin, which is what psilocybin quickly becomes as it enters your metabolism, is 4 hydroxy dimethyltryptamine. It is the only 4-substituted indole in all of organic nature. Let this rattle around in your mind for a moment. It is the only 4-substituted indole known to exist on earth. It happens to be this psychedelic substance that occurs in about eighty species of fungi, most of which are native to the New World. Psilocybin has a unique chemical signature that says, “I am artificial; I come from outside.” I was suggesting that it was a gene – an artificial gene – carried perhaps by a spaceborne virus or something brought artificially to this planet, and that this gene has insinuated itself into the genome of these mushrooms.”
~ Terence McKenna
And thanks Il Padrino, I'm going to grow all of Serious' offering eventually. I'm on White Russian now (probably oughta update my avi). I loves the Chronic, though; I have 5 mothers of it right now I should be thinking about flowering.
I am jealous. I ordered a fem pack a few months ago. It never arrived. I ordered from Attitude too. I was sure they would arrive and nada. I am going to try out this Burmese ShiskaBerry and then try to order some White Russian again. Do you have a link to your journal?


Well-Known Member
I am jealous. I ordered a fem pack a few months ago. It never arrived. I ordered from Attitude too. I was sure they would arrive and nada. I am going to try out this Burmese ShiskaBerry and then try to order some White Russian again. Do you have a link to your journal?
Yes. Right at the bottom of my sig.


Active Member
I think it means that because arsenic-based organisms can exist here on Earth they can exist elsewhere in the Universe. These organisms exist under completely different conditions than we do. This makes it seem likely that they have found micro-organisms somewhere in the known Universe.


Well-Known Member
NO HE ISN'T!!!!!


I guess they are going to announce that there might be microbes on titan eating arsenic and partying like it's 1999.

(Damn I love Prince; fucking visionary, lol)
Prince is fucking awesome. Thats one sexy ass little dude lol.

"That's not lake minnetonka" - Prince - Purple Rain

Watched that movie tripping the fuck out on dmt with my bf. It was life changing!