NASA Worldwind


Well-Known Member
So as I'm sure many of you use google earth to search for fun and interesting hobby spots. A lesser known program with far more capabilities is NASA's worldwind. Google earth is great for getting aerial pictures of the location but worldwind takes it a step further with the layer feature. It can obtain topographical maps of the location so you can know before hand if that awesome looking wooded area is steep cliffs and contains things you couldn't see with a sat view. Also, the topographical features allow you to find creeks invisible to a satellite view. Worldwind is an open source program so people can make plug-in's to make it even better. Overall its a great program, it takes a little getting used to but once you do it makes google earth look like a street atlas.


Well-Known Member
So as I'm sure many of you use google earth to search for fun and interesting hobby spots. A lesser known program with far more capabilities is NASA's worldwind. Google earth is great for getting aerial pictures of the location but worldwind takes it a step further with the layer feature. It can obtain topographical maps of the location so you can know before hand if that awesome looking wooded area is steep cliffs and contains things you couldn't see with a sat view. Also, the topographical features allow you to find creeks invisible to a satellite view. Worldwind is an open source program so people can make plug-in's to make it even better. Overall its a great program, it takes a little getting used to but once you do it makes google earth look like a street atlas.
Cool can we get a link? Pleasebongsmilie