Nasty brown shit!


Well-Known Member
I addded pics...Wats the brown shit collecting on the roots?

I also added two pics of my bubbleponics water tub and as you can see theres a huge salt build-up. or at least I think thats wat that is. The waters real murky. Advanced Nutrients says to add 1 tsp per gallon and I put 5 gallons in so I added 1tsp of micro, then grow, then a little less bloom. Wat is this stuff, salt buildup? how do I avoid it. the bubblponics has six different hoses and the buildup has already broken one of them. you can also see the little ball-like collections of watever this stuff is on the side of the tub.

Im going to wait until i get a responce to put my plants back in the nets incase anyone thinks I should do something different with my water.

I added the nutrients first then added quit a bit of ph up/ down to get the ph just right. could this be the problem? Should I always throw the water out and restart if I put too much ph up/down in? or does it not matter how much ph up/ down I add, only that it is around 5.5 - 6.5?

I am currently resting the hoses right below the rockwool so that it constantly saturates the rockwool. is this ok or should i put it lower.



Well-Known Member
are you using hydroton or a clay ball. if so it might just be clay which is harmless to your plants.


Well-Known Member
bubbleponics suck period do your self a favor put 4 12 inch air stones in the bottom of your tub and throw everything else away and you should be good to go/ tear the plastic off your rockwool so it can dry out if it stays wet all the time you will get stem/root rot


Uses the Rollitup profile
Your soup is not very murky at all, my res has a completely black soup. (kelp supplement) If it says 1 tsp/gallon, for 5 gallons that's 5 teaspoons. I would use half of what AN says on the label.

First rule of hydro, if there's a problem, change the res.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so the leaves are fine on all six. No burning or nothing. The roots are fine and everything seems to be in order. I changed the water and I added PH DOWN first before the nuts cause someone on sayd that PH solution before the nuts acts as a buffer to the food. Anyways with less crap in the water it looks nicer.

I think I realize that its best to mix the water around every once in a while or nutes will fall to the bottom.

there are six but one of each WW and Azura Indica are growing fast. With my last soil grows the plants that grew faster earlier in the cycle turned out male but im keeping my hopes high. real high lol.

I have the feeding reseviours directly on the rockwool saturating it 24/7. How big should they get before I put the feeders on a timer?
Also should I put the feeders below so they are not touching the rockwool? As it is there is constant build-up by the feeders on the rockwool.

ahh yes, Im also using hydroton. someone commented about this.


Active Member
i have the same system and seem to have the same problem. a few of mine are collecting brown shit as well . the ones that are collecting shit are suffering from burning of the leaves but new leaves are fine. one is totally unaffected.i think it might be algae.


Well-Known Member
It's bio-growth for sure. I see that piddly little bubbler stone down in there as well. You could clear all that up with a few quick changes.

#1. Get R.O. or distilled water. Always use it.

#2. Get a lot more air in the tank. At least one more bubbler if not just buying a large 60 gallon air pump with two outlets and 2 12" stones or 2 5" circle stones. More air is better!!!

#3. I drop a few tablespoons of H2O2 in my 5 gallon water bottle prior to changing the res. It really helps to keep the bio-growth down and adds O2 to the water. With my RO water my ph drops to acround 5.5-5.75 but so far my plants love it and as time goes my ph tends to climb a bit.


Typo, I have a bubbleponics and am SO glad I stopped using this POS. Do yourself a favor...throw it in the garbage, buy some 6" rockwool cubes and transplant your plants in them....then go out and buy Advanced Nutrients or Ionic Grow/Bloom and you will never have this problem again. I had this exact thing happening to my plants.