Nasty Food ! Name the worst food.

Doesn't the bible say man's best friend is dog? Why are you eating your best friends korea? hahah
The county jail has the worst food.But other then that I gotta say mcdonalds
yeah real shit that and the precinct wit them fucking cheese sandwiches i use them shit as pillows but if you aint got commissary you gonna fucking starve except on sundays when they serve chicken that shit alright
forget what the hell its called it was the lining of a cows stomach. i thinkits called tripe.. not sure but that shit tastes like shit.. gross
I gotta second hospital food...I mean, how do you fuck up canned fruit? A hospital can do it....

Vegetarian = An old Indian word for "Lousy Hunter"

PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
Hit up a candy store and grab a bag of chocolate covered bugs.

They pretty much all suck. The crickets are the ones you want to be eating!
spam. never tired it never will looks nasty as shit

Spam is actually ok if its cooked, it is just really salty

Worst food of any kind is hands down tomatoes... big pile of mush and seeds...
Your crazy tomatos are delicious

forget what the hell its called it was the lining of a cows stomach. i thinkits called tripe.. not sure but that shit tastes like shit.. gross
Tripe is disgusting and smells just as bad when its cooking

I hate meatloaf double beetloaf.
I ask my wife to make me meatloaf for my b-day I love it so much

And hotdogs are not really made out of snouts, I used to be a butcher and we use to joke saying, "ears, eyes and assholes" but in reality its all trim cut away from the more expensive meats. They then grind it up adding some water so it becomes an emulsion or a meat paste. It is then seasoned and stuffed into either a natural casing or a cellulose one. The cellulose ones are removed prior to store shelves.
sorry but i still can't manage to eat brussel sprouts
hahahah I also cringe at a tomato.. I can understand a slice on on sandwich but thinking about eating a whole tomato disgusts me. Beats aren't great either
Who makes the worst food? Name the worst foods at the grocery store, fast food places and resturants. i want to hear about the worst food and who makes it.

Indians :lol: jk/jk

For me, any supermarket value meats, they sell chicken that is 36% chicken, that's not right!

Oh, and i hate faggots!