yeah real shit that and the precinct wit them fucking cheese sandwiches i use them shit as pillows but if you aint got commissary you gonna fucking starve except on sundays when they serve chicken that shit alrightThe county jail has the worst food.But other then that I gotta say mcdonalds
spam. never tired it never will looks nasty as shit
Your crazy tomatos are deliciousWorst food of any kind is hands down tomatoes... big pile of mush and seeds...
Tripe is disgusting and smells just as bad when its cookingforget what the hell its called it was the lining of a cows stomach. i thinkits called tripe.. not sure but that shit tastes like shit.. gross
I ask my wife to make me meatloaf for my b-day I love it so muchI hate meatloaf double beetloaf.
Who makes the worst food? Name the worst foods at the grocery store, fast food places and resturants. i want to hear about the worst food and who makes it.
Who makes the worst food? Name the worst foods at the grocery store, fast food places and resturants. i want to hear about the worst food and who makes it.
sorry but i still can't manage to eat brussel sprouts![]()