National Geographic Explorer - Inside LSD

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Joseph Gordon-Levitts who starred in Inception. Interesting. :)

'The paramedics were called, but he was found dead surrounded by needles and syringes.'


Well-Known Member
Yes. I actually have good friends who attend burning man festivals and they personally knew Burning Dan... it was a shell shocker once the news was broken to me. It hit so close to home :(

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am going to the Burning man this year and will be paying my respects to all these kind folks who paved the way.

In terms of art and fluff. Man fluff is art ..... and without any delay please allow me to continue the show and present to you the next segment of this thread.

Rave New World Part 1 of 5 - Channel4 Equinox
If you enjoyed the first feature you will enjoy this one.


If you enjoyed the first feature you will enjoy this one.


Well-Known Member
I've watched this video numerous of time and it presents some very good information "behind" the concept of the rave and the misdirected theory that ecstasy paved the way for rave culture!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I especially enjoyed the experiments on rats as depicted.
Illustrating differences in behavior. As also .... the footage
of archived rave parties ... as also the idea of
art and expression ....through FUTURE SOUNDS OF LONDON
footage ..... man I love this shit !!