national health awesome!

that's odd. when i click on it it takes me to a paper comparing the charitable donations of major nations. it's a simple little pdf file that's easily read by adobe reader. perhaps it's there and you just don't like what it has to say.
Man I am telling you it is not working on my screen LOL....I am even trying to pull it off the website myself......I have no reason to lie about it......I showed you the link I used to make the statement I made....Doesn't really matter upon further investigation I see that a claim for either side can be made depending on what numbers you want to use and what it is that is actually being considered as a charitible giving....Which may or may not have anything to do with a national health care plan.
I live near detroit, they specifically come for our meds from windsor type areas, and return the same day after they get em. You may live a little far north of our borders to learn of the practice, idk; give it a whirl and let us know what you find out.
I remember going to Detroit and going into Canada to buy OTC drugs that can't be purchased OTC in America. That was back in the mid nineties and it was tylenol 3 with codeine. Good stuff!
I remember going to Detroit and going into Canada to buy OTC drugs that can't be purchased OTC in America. That was back in the mid nineties and it was tylenol 3 with codeine. Good stuff!

Michael Moore - Sicko / Remember when he took that lady into canada to get basic treatment she couldnt get in detroit. Fuckin blew me away that did. And the thing with all the front doors in detroit being locked (by fear as moore said) and all the doors on canadian side of the river being open. LOL @ americans.
I live near detroit, they specifically come for our meds from windsor type areas, and return the same day after they get em. You may live a little far north of our borders to learn of the practice, idk; give it a whirl and let us know what you find out.

Wonder if they are crossing at the same time as the US citizens coming to Canada for free to them health care. Sicko was pretty good and a real eye opener too bad some eyes just don't want to be opened.
Michael moore is a capitalist, or his movies would be free ;-)
I wouldnt subject my dogs to his words, much less waste my time or breathe on his delusions and hypocracies.

Tell me you arent also an inconvenient truther, with a desire to be taxed on the air you breathe?

I love your avatar canuck, please keep posting...
Michael moore is a capitalist, or his movies would be free ;-)
I wouldnt subject my dogs to his words, much less waste my time or breathe on his delusions and hypocracies.

Tell me you arent also an inconvenient truther, with a desire to be taxed on the air you breathe?

I love your avatar canuck, please keep posting...
They are free to me LOL.....I go to the library.....Of course he is a capitalist fat mans gotta eat. don't mean his films aren't brilliant....How the fuck do you argue with his logic?
If you run the cursor over my ummmmm flag really quikly it feels nice.
Michael moore is a capitalist, or his movies would be free ;-)
I wouldnt subject my dogs to his words, much less waste my time or breathe on his delusions and hypocracies.

Tell me you arent also an inconvenient truther, with a desire to be taxed on the air you breathe?

I love your avatar canuck, please keep posting...

Silly sparky... its only and inconvenient truth if you don't believe it. Silly, silly sparky4u.
......I showed you the link I used to make the statement I made....Doesn't really matter upon further investigation I see that a claim for either side can be made depending on what numbers you want to use and what it is that is actually being considered as a charitable giving....Which may or may not have anything to do with a national health care plan.
in typical blind partisan style, you first attempt to redefine a perfectly acceptable term and then simply claim that it really makes no difference anyway. the only claim that can be made for the other side is that state enforced charity, otherwise known as the forceful theft of the people's wealth, is alive and well and the governmental waste continues unabated. as for whether or not charity has anything to do with health care, have you been paying any attention? just what do you think a national health insurance plan is, but state enforced charity and over-regulation? a people's tendency toward charity (the real kind, not the kind that is wrung out of taxpayers under penalty of law) mitigates the need for governmental interference in the name of aiding the poor. if the people are capable of freely giving the necessary aid, government's incompetent meddlings become obvious for what they are, another attempt to control the people and their marketplace.
Canadian health care is "rationing"...

How bout if this was your kid?
Would you let a hospital tell you when the time is up for your son?

Heres another rationing article for the sickos out

The doctors diagnosis is based on medical findings with the child during examinations...... if the baby kicked during examinations this would be filed.

If it was my kid i would be doing exactly the same as they are, but that doesn't mean im right.

The child probably IS past the "point of no return".... the parents like any, me included, dont want to accept this cruel hand they have been dealt. But dont try and justify your end by pointing the finger at the other side..... this is happening everyday in the states...

Problem with the states is that wqhere the canadian doctors have probably considered all possibilities and concluded its over, their counterparts in the U.S. system would have been making suggestions based on cost.

In my opinion the baby is as the doctors say, the parents dont want to accept as would i, the canadian system is still better than the U.S. system hands down. Viva la Canada!
Umm not really, Unions weren't much to speak of in the USA until 1935, USA was already a great nation by then. Unions started to peter out by 1970. I wouldn't really call 35 years a great run that made America what it was.

The US was NOT a great nation in 1935, before the 50's the only way/time America was "great" was during the "guilded age" or the "roaring 20s" when inequality was astronomical and the US was ran by aristocracy and corruption was even more widespread than it is today. It was GREAT for rich white people, it SUCKED royal ass for everyone else. The labor class worked horrid conditions or very very very little pay, quality of life was low, life expectancy was low, poverty was rampant.

America became great during the "Golden Age of Capitalism"(the 50's - 70's), ironically when Unionization rates were over 70% and as unionization has dropped so has wages for the middle class.

And yes, the the 40' 50's and 60's are DEFINITELY what made America what it was....the New Deal... Eisenhower and his IS system(and other public works projects...the Great Society...these things are absolutely what made us that great nation we became. The Golden Age of was conservatives who destroyed this nation, started with Nixon, came unto it's own under Reagan, and Bush II finished the job. We are back to where we were in the 20's, an economy based on legalized gambling(finance), unbelievably high inequality, and an elite class who live like gods. Nowadays the only way conservatives can still claim that anyone can obtain the "American Dream" are BECAUSE of the public systems which provide assistance to the poor that have survived, once they are gone(and it won't be too long) if you don't got money, you ain't getting any.

Oh, and let's not forget the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, I don't see how you can possibly say America was "great" before the Civil Rights movement.
Oh, and let's not forget the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, I don't see how you can possibly say America was "great" before the Civil Rights movement.

Your for segregation aren’t you? It sure comes across like all you lefties are for segregating the rich. Well you want them to pay your way so I guess that makes them for of a slave to your wants and desires. Doesn’t it? Poverty will always exist no matter how much money is stolen.
The US was NOT a great nation in 1935.....
more of those foolish conceits so common among modern liberals, that only the actions of government constitute what is a great nation and this irrational concentration on the illusory trappings of equality. the desperation of fdr's "new deal" and lbj's rather trite "great generation", along with its ill fated "war on poverty", seem to be touchstones for those naive enough to take the intent of the welfare state at face value. y'all seem to enjoy the idea of government treating its citizens like eternal children, sustaining them from cradle to grave. i'll agree that both unionization and the civil rights movement were necessary popular movements to combat past abuses, but government enforcement of their ideals have turned both into swamps of corruption. will you folks ever figure out that it is the people and the tenets on which a society is founded that make a nation great? the agendas of power hungry political animals and society's micro-management by state entities merely get in the way of the progress of the people and often reverse what advances they may make.

i'm sure that those who sacrificed so much to expand and defend this country before the 50's would be a bit disheartened to know how little those sacrifices meant to the building of a "great nation". i don't doubt your opinion would amuse those who amassed great wealth and then utilized it to build the machines of industry that now fuel the greatness at which we have finally arrived. while you look back with the conceit of hindsight and the bias of modern mores on all those people, it seems you have still managed to miss the point of greatness entirely. it is the potential of our founding ideals combined with a population's willingness to sacrifice that determines our greatness, not these puny redistributionist plots. they only seek to mitigate the personal responsibilities that were so integral in gathering the wealth you are so eager to fritter away and defending the liberties you so willingly relinquish.

your conceit is your blindness to history and your ignorance of the changing nature of man's outlook on life and, quite frankly, it disgusts me. it is an embarrassment to all those liberals who championed the cause of individual rights and demanded that each person accepts the responsibility for both his failures and his successes, his acts of generosity and his abuses. the childish notion that the parental hand of governmental force determines a country's greatness has turned liberalism into the infantile puling of jealousy and entitlement.
America became great during the "Golden Age of Capitalism"(the 50's - 70's), ironically when Unionization rates were over 70% and as unionization has dropped so has wages for the middle class.

And yes, the the 40' 50's and 60's are DEFINITELY what made America what it was....the New Deal... Eisenhower and his IS system(and other public works projects...the Great Society...these things are absolutely what made us that great nation we became. The Golden Age of was conservatives who destroyed this nation, started with Nixon, came unto it's own under Reagan, and Bush II finished the job. We are back to where we were in the 20's, an economy based on legalized gambling(finance), unbelievably high inequality, and an elite class who live like gods. Nowadays the only way conservatives can still claim that anyone can obtain the "American Dream" are BECAUSE of the public systems which provide assistance to the poor that have survived, once they are gone(and it won't be too long) if you don't got money, you ain't getting any.

Oh, and let's not forget the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, I don't see how you can possibly say America was "great" before the Civil Rights movement.

You might be an idiot, but don't realize it yet. The USA became the powerhouse it was in the 50's because there was no other nation that could manufacture what we could, remember WW2? All the worlds great manufacturers save one were decimated, care to guess which country ran a huge giant enormous trade surplus with all the other nations of the world? America made everything the world needed back then, it had nothing to do with FDR, who matter of factly stole all the money and gave you worthless paper instead and made real money illegal to own, then he revalued his money and made the gov't much richer and the common man much poorer. You really ought to read a history book once in a while instead of relying on your leftist heroes to tell you what happened instead.
The US was NOT a great nation in 1935, before the 50's the only way/time America was "great" was during the "guilded age" or the "roaring 20s" when inequality was astronomical and the US was ran by aristocracy and corruption was even more widespread than it is today. It was GREAT for rich white people, it SUCKED royal ass for everyone else. The labor class worked horrid conditions or very very very little pay, quality of life was low, life expectancy was low, poverty was rampant.

America became great during the "Golden Age of Capitalism"(the 50's - 70's), ironically when Unionization rates were over 70% and as unionization has dropped so has wages for the middle class.

And yes, the the 40' 50's and 60's are DEFINITELY what made America what it was....the New Deal... Eisenhower and his IS system(and other public works projects...the Great Society...these things are absolutely what made us that great nation we became. The Golden Age of was conservatives who destroyed this nation, started with Nixon, came unto it's own under Reagan, and Bush II finished the job. We are back to where we were in the 20's, an economy based on legalized gambling(finance), unbelievably high inequality, and an elite class who live like gods. Nowadays the only way conservatives can still claim that anyone can obtain the "American Dream" are BECAUSE of the public systems which provide assistance to the poor that have survived, once they are gone(and it won't be too long) if you don't got money, you ain't getting any.

Oh, and let's not forget the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, I don't see how you can possibly say America was "great" before the Civil Rights movement.

let me guess, public schooling? most likely in a liberal stronghold. detroit? possibly a little college at a liberal arts institution? any chance you are a member of a public sector union? maybe a school teacher?

may God help this country.
The US was NOT a great nation in 1935, before the 50's the only way/time America was "great" was during the "guilded age" or the "roaring 20s" when inequality was astronomical and the US was ran by aristocracy and corruption was even more widespread than it is today. It was GREAT for rich white people, it SUCKED royal ass for everyone else. The labor class worked horrid conditions or very very very little pay, quality of life was low, life expectancy was low, poverty was rampant.

America became great during the "Golden Age of Capitalism"(the 50's - 70's), ironically when Unionization rates were over 70% and as unionization has dropped so has wages for the middle class.

And yes, the the 40' 50's and 60's are DEFINITELY what made America what it was....the New Deal... Eisenhower and his IS system(and other public works projects...the Great Society...these things are absolutely what made us that great nation we became. The Golden Age of was conservatives who destroyed this nation, started with Nixon, came unto it's own under Reagan, and Bush II finished the job. We are back to where we were in the 20's, an economy based on legalized gambling(finance), unbelievably high inequality, and an elite class who live like gods. Nowadays the only way conservatives can still claim that anyone can obtain the "American Dream" are BECAUSE of the public systems which provide assistance to the poor that have survived, once they are gone(and it won't be too long) if you don't got money, you ain't getting any.

Oh, and let's not forget the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, I don't see how you can possibly say America was "great" before the Civil Rights movement.

Well, you are kind of right. Nixon was a dick no doubt, started "war on drugs" by ramping it up, he expanded government control in private people's lives, so he wasn't a true conservative.

Reagan, right again, his skinny ass wife Nancy and her just say no to drugs = bad news, but it wasn't a conservative move to enlarge government like they did. I believe Reagan also enlarged Public Education by creating the useless federal program. Again NOT a conservative move to EXPAND GOVERNMENT.

Bush II = Bonehead, agreed. Not a conservative though. He spent "future dollars" invading the middle east, Obama has picked up the ball where he left off.

Just because people SAY they are conservative doesn't mean they ARE conservative.

I believe the true small government types are far and few between be they phony conservatives like the three aforementioned dick wads that expanded government or nanny statists like the current chump in the oval office. None of them are conservative.

Ron Paul is a conservative, the rest are not.