National Slavery Bill


Well-Known Member
The Mass Awakening... I LOVE IT.
We're the good side, the rebel force... preparing our army.

We're preparing for the great war. WE WILL PREVAIL! We have God on our side. We have the multitudes of humanity.

Hell hath opened it's foul gates.

Yes indeed... it is coming.
Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not fear.
Well said. Your avatar is my Bible cover :weed:.


New Member
Watch out for the helicopter gunships and the cluster bombs and napalm. That single shot .22 aint gonna get-er-done.


Well-Known Member
Thats what we want Gunships and Napalm are overkill they will kill innocents that will make more insergents so the game goes.


New Member
And like Bill Clinton did with the bombing of the Murrah building, the totalitarians in the current White House will blame conservative "Hate Radio."



Well-Known Member
The government WANTS you to revolt. You think their not ready for this...grabs your guns & go find out. Out of chaos will come the New Order of the Ages. Think I'm joking look the words up on the back of your dollar near the pyrimad. I kid you not this will happen with or without the cooperation of the masses. This is what it's all about...the culmination,the peak of the human race. It's all down here from now on out. Enjoy your can't save the dosen't need to be saved.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats what I'm afraid of, that the game is over before we even new the game was on. Man these guys are good. If we educate we can still win but if we go off half cocked we are done, The media will eat us alive. Stay cool, they will hang themselves with their BS.


Well-Known Member
I have been saying for years that some sort of mandatory service would make this a better country.
But then, i joined up right after high school anyway.
Guess that makes me a commie eh?
The wife and I were talking the other day about how narcissistic out society is becoming.
I dunno, just doesn't sound like the beginning of the end to me.


Well-Known Member
No your not a "commie" because you signed up. Your a "commie" because you don't support the constitution specificly the 13th amendment which prohibits involuntary servitude

Involuntary Servitude[12] Refers to a person held by actual force, threats of force, or threats of legal coercion in a condition of slavery – compulsory service or labor against his or her will. This also includes the condition in which people are compelled to work against their will by a "climate of fear" evoked by the use of force, the threat of force, or the threat of legal coercion (i.e., suffer legal consequences unless compliant with demands made upon them) which is sufficient to compel service against a person's will. The first U.S. Supreme Court case to uphold the ban against involuntary servitude was Bailey v. Alabama (1911). Requiring specific performance as a remedy for breach of personal services contracts has been understood to be a form of involuntary servitude.[13] Forced Labor[14] Labor or service obtained by:

  • by threats of serious harm or physical restraint;
  • by means of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe they would suffer serious harm or physical restraint if they did not perform such labor or services:
  • by means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law or the legal process.
We are talking legal coercion here. If they try to make it manditory or else you don't graduate high school for instance. Now if its a scheme to help people pay for collage then I can't really bitch. But they have no right to make you do anything.

You get rid of the 13th amendment fine, you can have all the slavery you want ;)

I find it funny as hell the first Black president is propsing to do away with the Constitutional amendment that ended slavery and the blacks are saying "yay I will never have to pay for my gas again!!"
