Natmoon's Airbasket - The Holy Grail of Soil?


Well-Known Member
Well if you do some searching around on here you'll find a hand full of threads with pics of the set up. But basically you can get a cheap yellow sponge and split it length wise down the middle about half way through. You then take an air line and cap the end and put a bunch of smallish (maybe 1/8 inch) holes in the air line in a 4-6 inch section. You place this section into the sponge and bury it in your dirt. This causes the air to pump out through the sponge and feed the roots directly with oxygen. Natmoon did all this in a basket rather then a pot to allow even more air flow, I just did it in the bottom of a grow bag. There are pics also in my thread, somewhere around page 40-50 that I believe show those soil plants I did it with. It will dry out your soil a bit faster, but adding some water retention crystals to your soil mix does a great job of fixing that, or just make sure you water more often.