Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk


Active Member
Hey all, I'm baa-aack! I'm so sneaky, no one even noticed I was gone LOL. I'm headed to my thread right now to do an update!


Well-Known Member
haha! indeed...

Placed an order with attitude today.

I got Super Lemon Haze and Big Bud x WW

Plus all the promo seeds and the UFO's


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to start those seeds!!

Things are finally looking up, my wife will probably get prequalified by Wednesday and hopefully start submitting offers early next week. I am taking my tape measurer with me, my wife knows how high (pun intended, lol) on the list my grow area is :D Should be fun


Well-Known Member
Well since we got the same seeds want to start them at the same time? See how can do compared to eachother? Should be fun. ;-)

I'm really excited about the super auto. :-)


Well-Known Member
Actually that's a great idea, how do you plan to grow them? I don't know much about them... I don't have much room in my veg tent right now and I don't know how well they grow under 12/12

Silent Running

Active Member
Done 24/0, 20/4 and 18/6 on my three...not a noticeable difference to me between 20/4 and 24/0. But I did notice that my 18/6 grow was fluffier and smaller. Of course, I was under CFLs for those. So I'm not good for giving info on HPS setups.

And attempt #2 is currently on its way. Let's see if you get ground powder again.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping I could throw them straight into my 12/12 tent under HPS...

I'm planning a new 18/6 metal halide veg tent for when I move, that one will probably be better suited for the auto's


Well-Known Member
Yea lets wait to start those seeds please I don't have enough lights... give me a week or so after they get here

Also Santa Clause is coming to town.... (hint hint)

people should be receiving presents soon


Well-Known Member
I'm totally fine with waiting :-) Hopefully Santa gets here soon as well as my attitude order!

I'd be growing in soil under a 150W MH to Veg 400W HPS to flower. Waiting works perfect, gives me time to get my 150w. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I didn't plan to start them until I moved, hopefully within the next 2 months. I don't have any room right now and there are other seeds I want to start too :D


Well-Known Member
I only ordered them because I didn't want to miss out on the freebies, I can wait as long as you guys need to wait


Well-Known Member
Not a problem, if for any weird or amazing reason they send me more than what I expect the extra's are all yours.