Natural Four Top Plant


Update..... 49 days of flowering under 600w..... One stem of four has exploded, covered with bud, while the other three have just formed large top colas.050.jpg049.jpg


Active Member
do each of those nodes have 2 growth sprouts, or 4, it looks like 2. If thats the case then I don't see a clone of this plant doing the same thing. I think it had to be something freak with how it sprouted that caused this. I've got a C99 that is just sprouting, and it is developing 2 growth sprouts right after the first leaves. I'm not gonna complain, and it looks like yours is gonna be a nice plant. How much light do you have that under? Also I would tie those branches to the sides a bit so that they you can get more light into the lower growth., it looks like you are spreading them with your hand?
This must be a trait of c99 because I have two seeds that have sprouted two shoots each from the start.


Well-Known Member
Interesting indeed, mine turned out to be great smoke, I've got my second clone of it flowering right now.