natural water retainers?


Well-Known Member
hey me and abwhite86 were trying to find out if there are any natural water retainers out there that could go into the soil to decrese how often we have to go to our sites


Well-Known Member
grow near a small running creek and make an irrigation system. make sure the water is always flowing never still and id check the ph just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
I've heard sawdust will do that but I haven't tried it and wouldn't know what wood would be good (hey that rhymes!).


Well-Known Member
wool (soaked before adding)
wood chips (soaked before adding)
clay (only a little bit of this goes a long way)

any of these thins will do it ,outdoors mulch is a must if you wish to save watering trips.

i dont have a percentage of how much ,but as i have stated before make small batches(ie cup of this and a cup of that) till you get the soil to where you want it.
this is how i prepare each plot individually.
in the end you want the soil to drain but not allow the water to flow freely through the soil.

once i have made the little batches i give them a water and see how moist they are after a few days in the sun.(the top should be drying out while a bit lower should still be damp)

you are the only one to see and feel the soil you are using so the mix that works for me may not work for you.

also when wet the soil should hold its shape when sqeezed but still crumble when poked.if sticky it has to much clay already.


Well-Known Member
i think we already pretty much knew most of this, thnx for the help, the soil is already super clay'ish and it might be a problem for root growth