Nay420's Journey through the world of CO2 enrichment


Nay420's Journey through the world of CO2 enrichment

So I decided to experiment with CO2 enrichment in my grow tent. I heard that it can help with growth, especially while in veg. So while browsing the local hydro store I decided to purchase a myCO2 grow box.

I realize now that this picture is upside down, haha, I am still learning. It is a a bag that grows mushrooms inside of a box and generates CO2 as a byproduct. It doesn't fizz or really do anything noticable, so I decided to investigate other options.

I decided that I would try a simple sugar/yeast fermentation vessel. I looked at the available information on the internet, and decided to just make my own 2 liter vessel with a bubble counter. I It is really just 2/3 full of simple syrup(1 part sugar, 1 part water) and then I added the activated yeast

It creates one bubble of CO2 every 5 seconds, which is nice to watch. I put vegetable oil in the bubbler, to try to fight any smells.

This prompted more internet research, in which I found out that the yeast likes something to eat and baking soda for a catalyst. So, I found a bigger container(3L) and filled it 2/3 of the way with simple syrup, added the baking soda(1 tsp) and the activated yeast, which I activated a little bit better than I did in the first 2L bottle. I then added some Apple Jacks cereal because it is what I had on hand. I set up a safety lid(a sandwich baggie and duct tape) to prevent any explosions or bubbling to get on my plants.

Cue my having to go to bed because its already 4am on friday night and I have to be at work at 8am saturday. I lost track of time doing my internet research and building my fermenting vessels. I went to bed and then went to work.

I come home from work around 5pm on saturday and as soon as I get into my grow space I am greeted with a strong scent of alcohol. It really smelled like homeless people smell when they are like super liquored up and have been for a while. Yuck, I immediately think that I dont like the fermentation method of CO2 enrichment.

Then... I opened my tent to find that the plants absolutely love the CO2. They have noticably grown bigger and they just look healthy.

So now I know that I like CO2 enrichment, but spending 35 dollars on mushroom bags, or constantly making AppleJack's prison wine will not be a habit that I make. So I decided that a CO2 tank and regulator are the best option for my setup.

I check craigslist and find a CO2 tank that a local brewer is selling for 60 bucks. Score! I send a quick email and read the forums for a few minutes. The dude replies like 15 minutes later and says its still available and I tell him I have cash and a car to pick it up. He gives me his address and I am familiar with the area, its not far away at all, maybe 20 minutes drive max.
He lives in WEST and I live in EAST. Turns he's like 1 block west of the dividing line, so I drive there in like 6 minutes. I call him on his phone and I can tell the dude is creeped out that I made it to his house so quickly. I spot him on his porch while still on the phone and stop using the phone, and started talking to him in real life, which creeped him out even more. Pretty funny situation, but its a dude that's my age and he greets me and lets me into the foyer where what must be his parents are sitting and watching TV.
So I buy a CO2 tank from a 30's something guy infront of his 60's parents. They ask "So, nay420, are you a homebrewer too?" I reply "No, its actually for my garden. The environmental concentration of CO2 is only around 300 to 400 ppm. Photosynthesis can benefit from an enriched CO2 environment almost up to 1500 ppm".

I felt good giving a discrete answer, and I think I may have passed on some knowledge to some older folks. I purchase the tank and start to drive home and on the way home the dude texts back "I too am, umm, looking into setting up a 'garden.' Have any good genetics?"

It was kind pretty funny. So I may have a new grower friend that's local. It just became legal to grow here in February, so I talk pretty openly about my new hobby. It is kind of funny how lightly people tread on the topic still.

But now I own a CO2 tank.

BONUS it came filled with CO2. I wondered why it was so heavy when I was carrying it.

Fun little story. I purchased the Titan controls regulator on amazon and it is on the way. I am now thinking that I should have gotten amazon prime before starting this whole thing.



Active Member
Nice score on the tank.

I just added CO2 to my garden at about day 30 into flower. After 3 days I can tell the difference in the BUDS.

And they are using about 4 more gallons of h2o a day also......


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm along for the ride too.
I'm about to start my 3rd run and am tired of the water, sugar, yeast thing.
Off to Craigslist...


New Member
Nice score on the tank.

I just added CO2 to my garden at about day 30 into flower. After 3 days I can tell the difference in the BUDS.

And they are using about 4 more gallons of h2o a day also......[/QUOTE ... can u use co2 full cycle? or just last two weeks ive only done with bigger an dense buds