Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


Well-Known Member
1500 lady bugs are 6 bucks round here :).... prices vary according to time of year though ;)
damn, now that's a deal :lol:
my 80 cu ft room will only need 10 or so. gonna put my clones in there tonight so they ladybugs can work on them too. still waiting for my blueberries to show sex. just sprouted 5 grapefruit x nycd beans too :-D :hump:

lol && Boom, I wouldnt doubt those prices down there;-) I remember Zig Zag Zane was paying $30+ for a bag of FFOF :o


Well-Known Member
damn, now that's a deal :lol:
my 80 cu ft room will only need 10 or so. gonna put my clones in there tonight so they ladybugs can work on them too. still waiting for my blueberries to show sex. just sprouted 5 grapefruit x nycd beans too :-D :hump:

lol && Boom, I wouldnt doubt those prices down there;-) I remember Zig Zag Zane was paying $30+ for a bag of FFOF :o

haha hey hey... i was paying $30+ for OFFF too! lol ya its ridici mark up here in OC hydro shops cuz they know they can get away with it. another reason why im switichin to indoor and hydro. even tho the overall cost is more but its a setup investment that runs over and over.
but ya poor zig... idk wat happened to that guy he fell off the earth. we were supposed to blaze a bowl in havasu memorila weekend and since after then i havent seen him on his thread or anywhere. hope shit didnt go down for him.


Well-Known Member
haha hey hey... i was paying $30+ for OFFF too! lol ya its ridici mark up here in OC hydro shops cuz they know they can get away with it. another reason why im switichin to indoor and hydro. even tho the overall cost is more but its a setup investment that runs over and over.
but ya poor zig... idk wat happened to that guy he fell off the earth. we were supposed to blaze a bowl in havasu memorila weekend and since after then i havent seen him on his thread or anywhere. hope shit didnt go down for him.
haha damn man, that's rough. I feel ya though. I'm thinking about making an ebb and flow table soon and then all you really have to continually buy is nutes. soil works for now tho :)

but yea, no idea what happened to zig.. saw his avatar changed but no updates for daays. haha the anticipation's killin me. just wish we knew what was up. he was on every day and then, POOF!


Well-Known Member
ya ebb and flow seems to be the way to go. if u choose to do hydro. ive seen way too many threads and read too many books and everyones got an opinion and guess wat; it all works haha. so its just about finding wat works for u and is managable and cost effect IMO.

but ya poor zig maybe the chucalcabra got him... anyways ya haha


Well-Known Member
ya ebb and flow seems to be the way to go. if u choose to do hydro. ive seen way too many threads and read too many books and everyones got an opinion and guess wat; it all works haha. so its just about finding wat works for u and is managable and cost effect IMO.

but ya poor zig maybe the chucalcabra got him... anyways ya haha
word. I want to try some of these- http://www.suretogrow.com/hydroponic-supply-storm
literally no mess, ph neutral and so easy to set up.

how long did it take for your lady bugs to clean up your mites tho Boom?


Well-Known Member
ya easy is always nice but usually costs a pretty penny haha.

um i think we had 16 plants and used like 20 ladybugs? they devoured that shit like a fat kid with cake that hasnt eaten all day. prob like completely gone within two days. theyll take care of it asap. we used neem oil right away and didnt do shit. the neem is good for puttin a resin coat over the leaf during veg that gives a bad taste to the bugs i believe and prevents most bugs but u cant use it during flower. plus who doesnt like being surrounded by ladys. bugs... haha


Well-Known Member
outside is a completely different ball game than inside, especially with lady bugs.... I suggest you guys read up on them a bit..... your lights will kill a bunch of them..... timing needs to be right, same as conditions, and they are herders!


Well-Known Member
i didnt use ladybugs outside. lol theyd just fly away. we used 20 ladybugs or so on our indoor grow and they ate up all the spider mites in two days. yes sum were dumb and flew into the light hood vent and got fried but rather have fried ladybugs then a destroyed crop 8)


Well-Known Member
i didnt use ladybugs outside. lol theyd just fly away. we used 20 ladybugs or so on our indoor grow and they ate up all the spider mites in two days. yes sum were dumb and flew into the light hood vent and got fried but rather have fried ladybugs then a destroyed crop 8)
exactly :mrgreen:

I let most go a half hour before lights turned back on since that's what it said do to on the back. and it also had on the package that you can really let them go any time indoors as long as the temp stays 60+. they'll stop flying around when the lights are off but they'll keep feeding. the lady bugs also feed on the eggs and the larvae so it should be mite free hopefully by tonight or tomorrow :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
so B im diggin ur sign quote by jefferson wish i had that for my college debate on marijuana bein removed from the schedule 1 narcotic list. that wouldve been sick to just drop on everyone how dumb the MJ prohibition is


Well-Known Member
so B im diggin ur sign quote by jefferson wish i had that for my college debate on marijuana bein removed from the schedule 1 narcotic list. that wouldve been sick to just drop on everyone how dumb the MJ prohibition is
yea dude, alllllll the founding fathers got high and smashed as shit when they were holding their free mason meetings. washington has some good quotes too. and most people dont even realize that when govt created the prohibition it then in turn created the underground market for it allowing such huge profits to be made and unregulated, and then it also created the organized crime element to it. I think everyone should have to watch that documentary you told me to watch- "The Union."

haha I can't believe there were people on the side for prohibition. lol what class was this debate for?


Well-Known Member
I like this one too- :bigjoint:

"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country."
- Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President quote on Hemp

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Pretty much every really stupid thing I've done was alcohol induced, like smashing up my truck years back. Worst thing I've done smoking pot is get a belly ache from chowing down. There's absolutley nothing wrong with pot at all, well besides your lungs but that's mine and your decicion to make. This is what most people just cant wrap there fucking brain around. When I met my wife she hated pot. She doesn't smoke it still, but finds nothing wrong with it after years around it. Not to mention they sell Salvia in Head-shops, Jeesh!!! When will they wake up.


Well-Known Member
NEL.... couldn't agree more.. all of my limited run-ins with Johnny Law were alcohol related back before I turned 21. I can honestly say that this wonderful herb has kept me out of more trouble than I already got into. The biggest argument I can see still against MMJ is that people shouldn't operate a vehicle while intoxicated, and until they can find a better way to test intoxication that is going to screw all of us. I would love to make a month long documentary of my life and how much pot I smoke and how productive I still am. I would also like to do the same documentary and substitute alcohol in place of the pot and see what happens. As far as "pot" being a gateway drug... that argument needs to get lost in space somewhere. I am fairly sure that most people took a sip of brew before their first hit of MJ..

My g/f is pretty much the same way..we first started dating and she didn't like it so much...now after more than 2 years she can really see how much I benefit from it and still remain highly active and productive. Who knows??? this may be grounds for another revolution... we fleed from tyranny once... why not do it again??? Canada is only a hop skip and a jump for most of us....

Sorry for the ramble NB..but strength in numbers is how we will win our war.


Well-Known Member
NEL.... couldn't agree more.. all of my limited run-ins with Johnny Law were alcohol related back before I turned 21. I can honestly say that this wonderful herb has kept me out of more trouble than I already got into. The biggest argument I can see still against MMJ is that people shouldn't operate a vehicle while intoxicated, and until they can find a better way to test intoxication that is going to screw all of us. I would love to make a month long documentary of my life and how much pot I smoke and how productive I still am. I would also like to do the same documentary and substitute alcohol in place of the pot and see what happens. As far as "pot" being a gateway drug... that argument needs to get lost in space somewhere. I am fairly sure that most people took a sip of brew before their first hit of MJ..

My g/f is pretty much the same way..we first started dating and she didn't like it so much...now after more than 2 years she can really see how much I benefit from it and still remain highly active and productive. Who knows??? this may be grounds for another revolution... we fleed from tyranny once... why not do it again??? Canada is only a hop skip and a jump for most of us....

Sorry for the ramble NB..but strength in numbers is how we will win our war.
Haha no worries Boulder. I love setting the stage for like-minds to come together and practice our 2nd Amendment right...

Prohibition of MJ should've never happened in the first place. Our country was founded on the ideals of men who were high as shit, and they realized that "hemp" was of the land and therefore they felt that is was a moral issue and that govt couldnt dictate over the morality of humans.

and you guys are right. there are hardly ever the issues with MJ use compared to alcohol abuse. when you get high, you dont come home and want to beat your wife/gf, but then you look at domestic abuse cases and how they're almost all directly related to alcohol abuse.

I dont know how I really feel with it becoming "legalized" though. Look at everything the govt gets their hands into and starts regulating. The corruption and skimming of tax money off pot is going to be inevitable is they legalize it. I just have no faith in govt today. We're at the polar opposite of what the Founders layed out for America. I feel almost overwhelmed waking up every day and wondering what part of the Constitution Obama's going to wipe his ass with that day. These Congressman are sooo out of touch with reality and the actual citizens of the US. Our God given freedoms are being hijacked each day by these assholes, and I don't think there's anything or anyone to really stop them unless my generation(I'm 20 almost 21) wakes up realizes this guy and his administration is the complete opposite of what the US needs. The health care bill is 1900 pages that they only have a week to read before they vote on! these Congressman dont even know who wrote the damn thing! I digress... time to smoke and release my mind from this govt oppression and tyranny bongsmilie